Another $20 billion waste of are taxpaying money.
People, such as myself, will read this and think twice about donating for any future disaster.
Rebuild it and they will come, back.
I suppose that is what the feds are thinking. But they are wrong. The deadbeats will come back, they have nowhere else to go. But the taxpayers, who are already building new lives elsewhere, will not.
The taxpaying citizens of New Orleans are not stupid. They know that all the problems that brought about this disaster still exist. Worst yet, the criminals now have billions of government dollars with which to do their dirty work. It's madness. The feds are making this situation worse.
The tax-payers are not returning. And they are not going to return, until the stupidity, greed and incompetence that brought about this disaster, has been run out of town on a rail. It may take several election cycles, but eventually New Orleans will hit bottom, and the sooner the better. Then those who have the wherewithal to rebuild will come back to rebuild it from top to the bottom.
If the federal government really wanted to help, they would lend that money to the tax-payers who can actually rebuild the city. And not a dime for the corrupt and incompetent administration whose depraved indifference and ruthless greed brought about its destruction.
God have mercy on New Orleans.