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Bush hopes for 'moderate' Hamas [Sinners In Hell Hoping For Ice Shipment Alert]
The Australian ^
| Feb. 25, 2006
| Not Cited
Posted on 02/24/2006 9:14:38 PM PST by conservativecorner
US President George W. Bush suggested overnight that being in government might have "a moderating influence" on the radical group Hamas in the wake of its victory in Palestinian legislative elections.
"As democracy takes root, the responsibilities of governing will have a moderating influence on those who assume power in free elections. It's easier to be a martyr than a mayor or a cabinet minister," he said.
President Bush's remarks came in a wide-ranging speech in which he defended his push for spreading democracy in the Middle East from critics who say the victory by Hamas harms US national security as well as Israel.
"When you're responsible for building roads and bridges and power stations and educating people and providing health, you're less likely to blow up health clinics and schools and bridges," he said.
"In democracies, elected leaders must deliver real change in people's lives or the voters will boot them out at the next election time. It's a lesson that the leaders of Hamas will now have to learn," he said.
"The leaders of Hamas have a choice to make: If they want the help of America and the international community to build a prosperous, independent Palestinian state, they must recognise Israel, disarm, reject terrorism and work for lasting peace," he said.
"The international community must continue to make clear to Hamas that democratically elected leaders cannot have one foot in the camp of democracy and one foot in the camp of terror," said Bush.
"The world is waiting to see what choice Hamas makes," said President Bush, who has warned of US aid cuts to the Palestinians if Hamas fails to meet his conditions.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events; Philosophy; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: bush43; bushdoctrineunfold; govwatch; hamas; rinowatch
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To: conservativecorner
He has lost his mind.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:15:19 PM PST
(Proud to be an enemy of Islam)
To: conservativecorner
Moderate Muslims are those who support terrorists but don't directly commit terrorist acts. Islam must be destroyed.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:17:45 PM PST
peyton randolph
(As long is it does me no harm, I don't care if one worships Elmer Fudd.)
To: conservativecorner
posted on
02/24/2006 9:18:23 PM PST
To: conservativecorner
"As democracy takes root, the responsibilities of governing will have a moderating influence on those who assume power in free elections. It's easier to be a martyr than a mayor or a cabinet minister," he said. It certainly did not work out that way for a certain Austrian corporal.
The danger is when a mayor or cabinet minister still wants to be a martyr. Attacking Israel or the US could manage that quite nicely.
A similarity between that Corporal and the boys who are Hamas is that they want to kill Jews, as many as they can, as fast as they can, whenever they can. Not too surprising since their is a direct line of descent from the Nazis to Hamas, via the Muslim Brotherhood and a couple of other spin offs from the MB.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:27:08 PM PST
El Gato
To: conservativecorner
US President George W. Bush suggested overnight that being in government might have "a moderating influence" on the radical group Hamas in the wake of its victory in Palestinian legislative elections.Please Lord, let someone convince me that Bush is smarter than that.
HAMAS will never be any more moderate than Saddam will ever be humbly repentant for his crimes against humanity. The word "moderation" isn't in the Islamic dictionary.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:35:26 PM PST
(Life is not a choice, it's a gift.)
To: conservativecorner
"When you're responsible for building roads and bridges and power stations and educating people and providing health, you're less likely to blow up health clinics and schools and bridges," he said. Was our President under the impression that the palestinians were blowing up their OWN clinics, schools and bridges? Or is he suggesting that Hamas, after enduring the arduous process of governing, will empathize with the Israelis and forgo its eternal ambition to rid the world of the Jews?
Honestly. What in the hell are you talking about, Mr. President? This is HAMAS.
To: conservativecorner
"As democracy takes root, the responsibilities of governing will have a moderating influence on those who assume power in free elections. It's easier to be a martyr than a mayor or a cabinet minister," he said."If he believes this, we are in grave danger with him in charge. Carter was disgustingly weak but Bush is disgustingly naive which will lead him to make decisions destructive to this country.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:44:09 PM PST
To: El Gato
I wonder if Bush is somehow related to Chamberlain?
posted on
02/24/2006 9:45:51 PM PST
To: conservativecorner
I can't wait to see how the bushbots will blindly defend this idiocy.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:47:01 PM PST
To: conservativecorner
I wonder if LImbaugh or O'reille ywill mention this on Monday.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:49:14 PM PST
To: conservativecorner
Now I understand why he sacrificed so many American lives in Iraq to create a democracy. He thinks it is some kind of magic thing that changes murdering fanatics into gentlemen. IN his mind this is the solution to terrorism. He'll still believe it after Iraq becomes a rabid anti american theocracy with Sadr as the leader.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:54:51 PM PST
To: peyton randolph
Oh yes, genocide is such a great idea.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:56:08 PM PST
(Pat Buchanan lost a family member in the holocaust. The man fell out of a guard tower.)
To: conservativecorner
>""In democracies, elected leaders must deliver real change in people's lives or the voters will boot them out at the next election time. It's a lesson that the leaders of Hamas will now have to learn," he said."When will the leaders of Hamassachusettes learn this lesson? Then again I suppose Teddy did make a real change in MJKs life, and Skerry JoKerry is a natural remedy for insomnia!
He's Got A Plan
Zippo Hero
Kill A Commie For Mommie
Seven Dead Monkeys Page O Tunes
posted on
02/24/2006 9:56:45 PM PST
("If it's brown, drink it down. If it's black, send it back" -Homers guide to drinking in Springfield)
To: epow
"Please Lord, let someone convince me that Bush is smarter than that."Don't worry. Someone will explain that this is really brilliant insight on Bush' part.
posted on
02/24/2006 9:58:49 PM PST
To: tomahawk
posted on
02/24/2006 9:59:48 PM PST
(The Democratic Party is the party of TREASON!)
To: conservativecorner
"When you're responsible for building roads and bridges and power stations and educating people and providing health, you're less likely to blow up health clinics and schools and bridges,"
I don't recall the nazis becoming less violent when they took governing control of the state.
The time consumed for Bush to figure out he is wrong on this could be as costly as the time consumed by Chamberlain in WWII. Hopes for Hamas to moderate are terribly wrongheaded. Right now atrocity loving muslims throughout the middle east are throwing buckets of money at Hamas, knowing full well it will be used for terrorism.
To: peyton randolph
"Moderate Muslims are those who support terrorists but don't directly commit terrorist acts. Islam must be destroyed." I don't see genocide mentioned in your statement. It's peculiar that someone else used that word regarding your post. Destroying Islam no more equates to genocide than destroying fascism or Nazism, both of which America destroyed.
posted on
02/24/2006 10:05:41 PM PST
To: isrul; COEXERJ145
I don't see genocide mentioned in your statement. It's peculiar that someone else used that word regarding your post. Destroying Islam no more equates to genocide than destroying fascism or Nazism, both of which America destroyed.
Bingo! However, I won't hold my breath waiting for a retraction of the genocide accusation.
posted on
02/24/2006 10:10:39 PM PST
peyton randolph
(As long is it does me no harm, I don't care if one worships Elmer Fudd.)
To: isrul
Give it another day or so..
posted on
02/24/2006 10:24:01 PM PST
sheik yerbouty
( Make America and the world a jihad free zone!)
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