I can't believe Dems think this helps. Anyone with a brain knows their behavior is inappropriate, and yet they continue to do it? The problem with Dems is they think if only they can get their message out they can change minds. We already know their message, just shut up.
You just eliminated the entire VOTING wing of the Democrat Party. They don't know and don't exhibit the characteristics of synaptic thought!
Playing to their base. Just go to DU for five minutes and you'll quickly understand how brainless, tasteless, and immoral these droolers truly are. It's beyond belief.
It doesn't hurt. Did Wellstone I significantly affect the votes in the 2004 Presidential election? A lie pounded over and over again becomes conventional wisdom. The Left knows it, the Right doesn't. It's the language, stupid! Pederasts are not 'gay' and abortion is not 'choice', you and I know, but check out the terminology used on this very forum. I'd better end the rant, I'm waving at windmills again. By the way, necrophiliacs are 'merry', aren't they?
Their nastiness during the Clarence Thomas hearings changed my mind....I left the Democratic party when I saw how they (and their worshippers in the media) behaved.
Let them continue with their behavior. They are sealing their own fate.
I read a few comments on dailykos--and the lefties loved it. The cultural disconnect is striking--they have no sense of decorum or solemnity whatsoever. (I guess it comes from promiscuous mothers, fatherlessness, and drugs?). It's a good bet--stay away from funerals when liberals organize them--they'll turn it into a vulgar, spiteful circus. Sort of like Oscar speeches--tacky, fatuous, grotesque!
I think that's probably a good policy for us in our personal lives, too--avoid ambushes by avoiding traps--There was a discussion of FR (pretty good chat) about trying to deal with these liberals as family members because they turn every gathering into a political rant. If it happens in politics, it'll hit us in our own lives.
Have you ever stopped to think that the DemocRATS think they are acting in a TV "reality show" where nothing is too far out. The more bazaar and outlandish they act and the more harsh and degrading speech they mouth, the better they feel about themselves in their reality show fantasy world.