Tell Karl Rove to fire up the Mass Mind Control Machine. Hillary! was supposed to suck all the oxygen out of the 2008 Democrat Primary before spectacularly self destructing in the run-up to the Democrat National Convention.
Don't these guys even have a playbook!
SAVE Hillary!. She hasn't finished destroying the Democrat Party yet!
I guess the TV show touting Hillary's future presidency was a failure. Time to pull the plug on "Commander in Chief".
This statement more than "suggests" that this poll is donkey doo.
This is an absolutely amazing jump. In Dec. her "would never vote for her number" was about 41! What's happening here is that as the idea of her possibly becoming the president actually comes closer, people are getting focused on it and saying no!
The best thing for us would be for the beast to get the rat nomination. That way we could pull a name out of the phone book on the top line and work on the down ballot races. This is what we should have done in 1972 and again in 1984.
And what about those Rose law firm billing records hillary???? We're waiting????
Refreshing news from this poll.
"Men are especially anti-Clinton 60 percent say there's no way they'd back her for commander-in-chief, and that rises to 62 percent among men 50 and over."
Yeah. I think it's men who truly need to be frightened by the power this woman is obtaining. Just think about it. She was totally humiliated by her hubby. And yes. She does have men in her court helping her along the way. But what are the odds, that she'll throw them all away like yeaterday's trash when she doesn't need them anymore. And, didn't Hillary rise to power much, much too quickly? Who else in history rose to power, practically overnight?
The New York RINO Establishment needs to get behind John Spencer. He won't unseat her, but neither will anyone else, so it's best to choose someone who'll force her to explain her positions and statements.
Looks like I'm voting for the hildebeast in the primaries. If I can stand it. (shiver!!!!)
This is a shame.
If poll numbers stay like this, she may not get the nomination.
The Republicans might just have to face a real opponent.
early polls are generally meaningless BUT it does solidify the fact there is a definit perception (based on reality) the democrat party is NOT the place to represent straight men.