My score: "27 - non-homophobic." Lowest here so far. So am I part of the "homosexual agenda" if their mere existence doesn't bother me as much as it does others?
If cavemen didn't have an aversion to playing "Brokeback Mountain" on hunting trips the species would have died out long ago.
1. Child molestors people make me nervous.
2. Child molestors people deserve what they get.
3. Child molesting is acceptable to me.
4. If I discovered a friend was a Child molestor I would end the friendship.
5. I think Child molestors should not work with children.
6. I make derogatory remarks about Child molestors.
7. I enjoy the company of Child molestors.
8. Marriage between Child molesting individuals is acceptable.
9. I make derogatory remarks like "pedophile" or "child rapist" to people I suspect are Child molestors.
10. It does not matter to me whether my friends are Child molestors or not.
11. It would upset me if I learned that a close friend was Child molestor.
12. Child molesting is immoral.
13. I tease and make jokes about Child molestors.
14. I feel that you cannot trust a person who is a Child molestor.
15. I fear Child molestors will make sexual advances towards me or my child.
16. Organizations which promote Child molestor rights are not necessary.
17. I have damaged property of a Child molestors, such as "keying" their car.
18. I would feel uncomfortable having a Child molestor for a roommate.
19. I would hit a Child molestors for coming on to me, or my child.
20. Child molestor behavior should not be against the law.
21. I avoid Child molestors.
22. It bothers me to see Child molestors in public.
23. When I see a Child molestor I think, "What a waste."
24. When I meet someone I try to find out if he/she is a Child molestor.
25. I have rocky relationships with people that I suspect are Child molestors.
My score: "27 - non-homophobic." Lowest here so far. So am I part of the "homosexual agenda" if their mere existence doesn't bother me as much as it does others?<<
My score: 21 high grade non-homophobic
I would have answered most of the value questions "don't care" which is not "neither agree nor disagree". I think that is the biggest problem with the test. Do I think Jimmy Dale should be a scout leader? Not after the college freshman wrote about the joys of being with an older man. I would feel the same if a female teacher had written a similar article about older women.
I'm wondering when the heterophobe questionaire is coming? The gay scene can be nasty.
24 - "high grade non-homophobic" - I don't feel strongly pro-gay, am definitely not anti-gay.