If what they publish displeases you, don't buy their paper.
I agree with one of the seven, go ahead, dump McCain.
Which is why I live in Mesa and subscribe to the Tribune. Of course, anyone can subscribe to the online edition. It often truly is unbiased. _Conservatives say the Tribune is too liberal and liberals say it's too conservative.
What do you expect from a newspaper owned and run by the same people that publish USA Today.
welcome to most of America.
fortunately the MSM and newspapers along with it are loosing readership and laying off people.
I get Sunday newspapers for Sports, Cars, TV and Jobs....
I throw the rest out unread. I do not get the weekly papers. When in the Supermarket the other day a guy was trying to sell subscriptions with all sorts of freebees...I told him I hate that liberal rag. He, in a wispered voice, agreed with me.
You are absolutely right, my friend. The "Arizona Repulsive" used to be conservative but over the last 10 or 15 years has morphed into a rag as liberal as a rancid breeze blowing from the Left Coast. Fortunately, its power to make political endorsements seems to have faded over the years.
Hateful posts like this are the reason that the American left won't teach the American public to read!