To: oceanview
"our criminal justice system is basically designed to deal with crime only after it has occurred"
I understand what you are saying and you are mostly correct. However, the crime begins to occur during the conspiracy phase that precedes the attack.
I am not nor have I argued that TWOT needs to be moved to a police matter. Only that in the cases that involve U.S. citizens, we need to follow the Constitution and rule of law.
I'm not sure when following the Constitution and rule of law became a controversial position.
104 posted on
12/21/2005 5:53:18 PM PST by
To: ndt
when two planes flew into the world trade center.
To: ndt
Only that in the cases that involve U.S. citizens, we need to follow the Constitution and rule of law. I'd agree with that except that Taliban Johnny forfeited that protection when he took up arms against the US. I'd take it one step further, anybody forfeits those rights when they collaborate with the terrorists
118 posted on
12/21/2005 6:08:14 PM PST by
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