We have to call our GOP Senators and demand this report be released. We cannot allow the Democratic mafia to AGAIN circle the wagons around their dons Bill and Hillary Clinton and to carry out yet another cover-up, this time with the complicity of some really stupid Republicans. Would Democrats be this stupid and give Bush a pass if this were his administration being looked into?
We need to write letters and make phone calls to Frist, the RNC and every GOP Senator. Why the hell are we protecting these two scumbags and do we think Democrats would ever return the favor? Get real. They'd be all down our throats, and their media puppets with them, if this were about the Bush administration. It's time to stop playing nice with the Party of Evil (Democrats.)
900 FBI files will do that to you.
Report will never see the light of day except for here. The MSM will ignore it except for Dems saying, "Lets just move on."
What the hell was Kit Bond thinking, by allowing those 120 Pages to be removed from the report, makes those who agreed to this just as guilty as those named in the report. Obstruction of justice is obstruction of justice, no matter how it's spelled
I'm starting to think that Rush is right and that the political class protects each other.
Wow! I've forwarded to other non-freepers to keep the news circulating.
It is starting to sound like the major agencies in Washington run the country not the politicians.
You can all your senator all you want. There is an unwritten agreement in Washington that everyone turns a blind eye to everyone else.
(Please FReepmail if you want on, or off, this list. I certainly have no desire to increase anyones stress-level. Thanks!!!)
2005 isn't an election year.
Call your Senators. Get out the truth.
"Move On FReepers" "swore" klintoon, hitlery, hanoi kerry, sanbdi ber(bur)glar, al bore, jane beno,
would be prosecuted for
pardongate, chinagate, the bribes in upstate NY in the 2000 NY Senate race, waco, etc, etc,
"when" the "time was right".
Go to Tony's website - he keeps updated info.
My understanding is that the report has been released, after months and months of Hillary's lawyers trying to keep it quiet - and dem senators trying to get an amendment passed in congress to keep the report from being printed. Hillary's lawyers have succeeded in getting some of the report redacted (blackened out) so the public cannot see what the EVIL DEMOCRATS IN THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION were up to. I don't know if that judge's decision is being appealed. It may be - and that may be holding up the printing even longer. But I believe some congressional members will have copies without the blackened out parts. We need to support Tony - and encourage him to find someone who receives an open copy who will be willing to allow that information to be made public.
This report is key to keeping Hillary out of the WH.
"...This careful and continuous monitoring of the report explains why Sens. Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin and John Kerry took the highly unusual step earlier this year of trying to slip into an Iraq-war spending bill an amendment to suppress every word of the Barrett report. (Every other independent counsel finding has been printed in its entirety, with the exception of small sections containing classified material.)..."
By Tony Snow
Old news, nothing will happen.
The fix was in years ago.
Follow the Chinese money. It makes M.A.D. the watchword in D.C.
According to Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, we need to get over prosecuting the Clintons.
They both said so publically on the air, on the same day, Sean right after Rush, just before or the day after GWB got the nomination.
Unforgivable offense.