To: All
"...This careful and continuous monitoring of the report explains why Sens. Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin and John Kerry took the highly unusual step earlier this year of trying to slip into an Iraq-war spending bill an amendment to suppress every word of the Barrett report. (Every other independent counsel finding has been printed in its entirety, with the exception of small sections containing classified material.)..."
By Tony Snow
29 posted on
12/14/2005 1:00:22 PM PST by
(Be wary of the "Move On FReepers" who scream and howl "Move On Tonk, Get Over It")
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
RE: "...This careful and continuous monitoring of the report explains why Sens. Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin and John Kerry took the highly unusual step earlier this year of trying to slip into an Iraq-war spending bill an amendment to suppress every word of the Barrett report. (Every other independent counsel finding has been printed in its entirety, with the exception of small sections containing classified material.)..." LOL ...I THOUGHT you 'might' be interested in this one... (...and pick up on that.) ...chuckle
37 posted on
12/14/2005 2:10:00 PM PST by
Seadog Bytes
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