The real story here, INHO is why is NBC allowed to get away with leaking SECRET Defense Department documents?.
My contempt for the MSM has gone way up, along with my blood pressure. The Fourth Estate has become the Fifth Column, and some of them ought wind up in Gitmo.
Interesting... and how would you feel if Clinton had decided that "right-wingers" and Christians needed to be monitored after OKC?
Im glad the military is doing something to protect themselves.
Good job.
Releasing classified documents is a crime just like human biological experiments are a crime. The end does not justify the means. Someone at NBC needs a blindfold and a cigarette.
I think its wise for our government to err on the side of caution. After all, if you have nothing to hide, you should welcome the scrutiny. I'd rather be safe then sorry. Taking unnecessary risks with the lives of innocent Americans is a position only a fool would encourage .
A red flag always goes up for me when I read about a "leak".
It is my opinion that more often than not a "leak" is either a misdirection, a trial balloon, or part of some kind of disinformation campaign. And sometimes these leaks are orchestrated by people on the inside in an effort to find out who the leakers are.
I'm all for Homeland Security, but something is seriously out of whack if the Pentagon is spying on the Quakers.
Think maybe 'all of them' should have an extended visit.
NBC is a useful idiot.. just like CBS was...
Is this "Dan Rather TANG redux?" I think so. Surely the US military did not give a flying hoot whether a Quaker assembly in Lakeland Florida was going to protest military recruiting at high schools.
First they came for the Quakers and we feared not. But the day they come for the Amish I am out of here. /sacrasm on.
Wonder if this has anything to do with that Webb Hubbell "Big Brother" White House Data Base fiasco. Drudge railed against that almost every week.
I have attended the Hollywood protests. I can vouch for the military's need to conduct surveylance on the participants. Quite frankly, I'm very pleased to hear that at least one government agency actually gives a damn, and is checking out some of these fringe anarchists.
Why shouldn't the U.S. government check out groups that support our enemies? Is our government supposed to allow these folks to network with the worlds leading terrorists, making plans that would harm U.S. citizens?
BTW, someone ask NBC if they would have been happy to have someone checking out Timothy McVeigh two months before he detonated a bomb in front of the Murah Building.
While you're at it, ask them if they'd have been bothered to have the military surveiling the 09/11 terrorists before they put their plan into action.
Oh it's real sensational to frame the military as the bad guy, but why is NBC so cozy with those in need of watching?
Did NBC outbid someone for the rights to terrorist coverage in the U.S.?
What NBC doesn't have the class or brains to acknowledge, is that we do have subversives here in this nation who are networking to defeat the U.S. Hell, our own Senators and Congressmen do the same thing.
Go ahead. Keep an eye on them. I sure wish someone would.
NBC, this is just pathetic.
Will these "law breaking" revealers of government secrets be treated the same as those in the Pame Affair???????????????????????????
Does General Electric still own NBC? If so, they need to be immediately removed from any pentagon bid lists.
Sounds more like a political organization to me. I wonder if they get tax free status?
when is the government going to start throwing people in jail for leaking secret documents?
I want to know who in the Pentagon is trying to muck up the works. If you listen to Murtha he almost regurgitates the talking points of Joe Galloway from Knight Ridder news. I think both of them have friends in high places at the Pentagon and someone there has loose lips.