I keep thinking about Henry Grunwald. He was the Chief OpEd reporter at Time, Inc. during Watergate and the first to say that Nixon should step down. Henry died Feb 26, 2005. Henry is/was the father of Mandy Grunwald. Mandy is the wife of Matt Cooper!! Such a small world!!
Vanity Fair got the exclusive on Felt's coming out on May 31, 2005. And then there is the exclusive Valerie and Joe spread.
There's a lot of hidden players in this and I think the big player is Hillary.....to whom the gift of "outing Rove" would flow.
Very interesting. Also, Colby's death was quite suspicious. It might be interesting to see where that investigation leads!
Bookmark for when my brain can focus.
Deadwood and Bumstain are just that.
Obviously, this runs counter to the old saw that you're not paranoid if everyone really is out to get you.