If there is no hell... what is the point of judgement day?
Hell is real and their will be many go there. Jesus said the road there is wide. I believe few will be saved. Most people seem to think most will be saved. I see no indication of that in scripture. One of the reasons we are to "fear" the Lord, is to have reverence for His Word, and not to take it for grated that we are going to heaven because God is good and loves us. Jesus said there is "none good, no not one."
There is no second chance given either. What you do with Jesus while alive on earth is it, period. There is no chance for someone else to "pray" you to heaven. It is a personal invitation from the Holy Spirit that saves you. A family member has no control over what happens to anybody else. Otherwise you could blame mom for dads trip to hell because she didn't pray hard enough. Self righteous people will scoff at what the Bible teaches and make up what they want to hear because they don't fear God. A person that reads about the character of God and believes what is written about Him( after all He wrote it), will inquire diligently into His Word in order to make sure that they are saved. That path is truly narrow. They must believe that Jesus is God on earth in the flesh and that He gave His life willingly on the cross to pay for our personal sins. They must confess they are sinners and Jesus is perfect. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. There is no other. I hear people saying they are Christians, but that others can get to Heaven just by being good people. That is blasphemy to Jesus and you are saying to God that He wasted His Son's sacrifice because you didn't need it. Even to say that YOU found God is boasting that you had something to do with salvation. Grace is a mystery and should be studied endlessly to see the depths God went to to keep us from Hell. We ALL deserve Hell and death, and yet some are saved for only reasons God knows.