HERE is why the left HATES Walmart.
In a nutshell.
Wal-Mart gives to the common man what all the Liberals think Government should but never will.
Wal-Mart offers a wide selection of quality goods at the lowest price. At the same time they give tens of thousands of employees a chance to earn good money, and have a career which offers them a chance to better themselves while providing for their families.
This isn't about Wal-Mart; it's about Capitalism vs. Socialism.
As someone pointed out up-thread, it's disgusting to see so many Freepers fall into the "I'd rather have Socialism" column.
This is extremely threatening to those who wish for capitalism to be a zero-sum game.
The writers name should be "FeatherHead" rather than "Featherstone".
I usually try to spead my $$$'s around at Christmas. But with the assault on WalMart this season, Guess where I'm doing all my shopping.
I guess the libs think those 1.3 million Walmart employees would be better off being 100% on the public teat.
How far do those gubmint checks go when shopping downtown?
Guess we'd have to give 'em more.
Loyal Walmart shopper here.
I really don't care if the Left hates Walmart. I have nothing against Walmart. This is simply another case of the Left trying to destroy something that won't play their game.
I refuse to defend Wal-Mart as long as they do things like the General Counsel of Wal-Mart requiring that every law firm it does business with have a minority lawyer on the "team" that does the Wal Mart legal work.
That's just reeks of reverse racism.
I am as Conservative as possible, yet hate WalMart. I think WMT's business model will destroy our economy if left unchecked.
Hilarious that the author should refer to the W-M heirs as tax evaders. Do liberal critics say the same about the notables among the RATs who do the same things to avoid paying taxes.. People like Moore, Streisand, Soros, the Hollyweirds etc. are experts in paying no taxes at all or very few. For a good read try: "Do as I Say (not as I do)" by Peter Schweizer. It's an eye-opener about liberal hypocrisy.
I have to run out to Walmart to grab a few things, I'll read this when I get back. :)
To buy goodwill? Now come on. If they give, then at least give them credit for a good motive.
Could come back to haunt her...
I'll save this for a later read. As a WMT stockholder and customer who probably spends a few thousand / year at Wal-Mart, I never really understood the demonization of this company. The cries of unfair employee compensation and use of goods from China have never really been compelling to me, since the company appears to me to be legal and ethical in their dealings, and the arguments against them are roughly arguments against a free market economy. Any fair wage or trade arguments I've heard -- if they have merit -- sounds as if they should apply to EVERYONE, not just WMT because they are big and successful.
The bottom-line with WMT is that they are THE BEST low-cost supplier of retail goods.
-- Joe