Posted on 11/28/2005 5:39:36 AM PST by beaureguard
The Drudge Report is reporting this morning that several broadcast television networks are considering a series loosely based on the concept of the end of America. Details on the various programs aren't yet available, but my bet is that the fictional end will come through either terrorism or some sort of a natural disaster.
The networks have part of this right. The end of America as we know it could well be on the horizon. The networks just wouldn't dare present the end as it very well may happen. The death of America will more likely come from the advancement of the American welfare state.
Empires have life expectancies. The history of civilization would tell us that a country based on freedom and economic liberty generally last just a bit over 200 years. If you know of such a society that has lasted well beyond the 200-year mark, let me know. I haven't been able to find one. Our Constitution was ratified on December 15th, 1791. In just a few weeks the United States of America will be 214 years old. That, for those of you who went to government schools, is just a bit over 200 years.
You can trace the decline of American to several different and varied beginning point. Among them:
1. The adoption of a graduated and progressive income tax, as envisioned by Karl Marx.
2. The adoption of a system of government education of our children, again as envisioned by Karl Marx.
3. The movement away from a rule of law to a rule of the majority (Democracy) which really took hold during the days of Franklin Roosevelt.
America, the welfare state, is growing steadily. In the last few weeks we started George Bush's Medicare prescription drug program. The original estimates for this welfare boondoggle ran at about $300 billion for the next ten years. Those estimates doubled before the program even began. The actual tab will probably be closer to one trillion dollars for the first ten years .. and growing after that. Baby boomers will be retiring over the next decade. As they retire they will start drawing down Social Security and Medicare dollars by the bucketful. The cost will be enormous. As presently structured, these income transfer programs can't handle it, but all attempts at reform, at least insofar as Social Security is concerned, have failed.
Back to the main point. Americans are no longer in love with freedom. In fact, the case can be made that Americans are afraid of freedom. Oh, they want to be free to go on vacation and to chose where to live, who to marry and what to wear each day, but that just about covers it. Americans want the government to educate their children, guarantee their jobs, determine their wages, provide them with medical care, pay for their prescriptions, insure their comfort in retirement, regulate their business competitors, and control the actions of their neighbors. If you suggest that the responsibility for any of these factors be placed back into the hands of the individual the screams and howls of outrage and indignation will be heard across the country.
If the networks want to do a series on the end of America, their script has already been written ... .by some Russian named Ayn Rand.
You betcha brother. Happiness is a belt fed machine gun. If you gotta...go with a smile.
Even the "Weekly Standard" is pushing an agenda of governing from the center. It seems the Republican party has been hijacked by those with a zest for power, and is no longer a party of conservatism or constructionism.
Thanks for the link; I usually can't listen to Limbaugh at work, and when I can, he's never on....and I don't know if it's been Walter Williams who subs....maybe so...but, I'm always disappointed because of Murphy's Law being in control of my radio listening opportunities. : )
Today we drink, tomorrow we die?
Yeah, that's a hot one. How about the one where a U.S. Citizen had a judge tell him he had to give his property to an illegal alien?
Rats are for anyone/anything this is an anathema to U.S. American or U.S. patriot.
And the pubbies surely are spending like drunken sailors.
England cannot exist without the U.S. backing them.
The dentist is an idiot. Their idea of "taxing everyone equally" will be an income tax of 100%. Each individual will then get what he or she "needs" as determined by the government. NO longer will your work be rewarded but your NEEDS, so the neediest will get the most and put in the least. As many have found out before, this system cannot and will not work and is doomed to failure.
That these countries tend to last only a little more than 200 years is a quite specific allegation.
The barbarian invaders (our illegals) helped put the nails in Rome's coffin.
And all we have to stop them is the cowardly GOP who would rather try to out liberal the liberals than to do what is right. Look at them, can you name 5 times in the past 25 years where rights have been given back to the people?
Exactly. We've slowly but voluntarily (democratic majorities over time) given up our freedoms in exchance for 'entitlements' and dependency and the ability to micromanage other peoples lives. It's sad.
Don't forget the rise of the Transnationalist Free Traders, also advocated by Marx.
Are you seriously claiming that the Roman Republic was based on "freedom and economic liberty?"
Yes! And as far as a 'society' goes, as opposed to a particular system of government Rome went on for ANOTHER 500 years after the replacement of the Republic with the Empire. And if you count Constantanople, it went on even longer.
Look for the Balkanization of the Southwest as a cause for the breakup.
Radical Mexican Americans are already calling for reunification with Mexico--and the newly elected mayor of Los Angeles was one of them.
Here is the drudge article:
The TV networks are getting edgier in their '06 pilot plans.
The nets have filled their development slates with a bevy of brave ideas and bold format experiments, VARIETY reports on Monday, including shows about THE END OF AMERICA!
ABC alone has at least two would-be shows set in post-apocalyptic America ("Resistance" and "Red & Blue") while Gavin Polone and Bruce Wagner are teaming for the comfy-sounding plague drama "Four Horsemen" at CBS (which also is developing "Jericho," about life in a small town after America is destroyed).
Says Fox exec VP Craig Erwich: "The creative community appears to be really inspired this year," he says. "It was an exciting time to be buying. I came away pretty encouraged about network TV."
The end of the country started with the creation of a elite ruling class of over-educated, anti-religious individuals. After WW2, this group seized power and slowly pushed for the development of (1) world government, (2) a comprehensive welfare state and (3) the elimination of religion from American life. It is only when this group (media, academia, foundations, most politicians) are overthrown will the prospects for saving the country from its current death spiral improve. The basic instincts and values of most Americans are solid. We only need a leadership that will draw out those values.
American Colleges and Universitys don't agree with you.. They are staffed and administrated by overt or covert Marxists more+ than 90%.. Currently brain washing Americas youth with republican majority control funding blessings. About the best you can get from Americas Academia is a RINO.. since American history has already been rewritten by THEM.. People that READ Marx are Marxists, people that UNDERSTAND Marx are Anti-Marxists..
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