The thing Fr. Greeley hates most about Bush is that he is a Christian. Greeley is one of those confused souls who mistakes Karl Marx For Jesus of Nazareth.
And .. he never mentions .. are the dems lying about their lies about Saddam and his WMD ..?? The dems were talking about long before Bush even came into office.
Funny .. the Clinton years seems to be totally forgotten.
I think I remember going to war with Saddam back in the any of these folks remember that ? ...not that it matters but there was talk that maybe we ended that war too soon ...
The inability to distinguish between what is real and what is imaginary. Psychosis is a term used to describe a severe mental illness. Psychotics are characterized by a variety of symptoms that most people consider abnormal. These include experiencing delusions, such as the notion that one is being persecuted or conspired against. Psychotics may see things which don't actually exist and hear Voices (i.e. God) when no one is around. They often exhibit compulsive, irrational, ritualized behavior, esp. when such behavior serves no purpose or is even harmful or disruptive to those around them. They show no concern for others but may exhibit total self-centered behavior. Includes sociopathy, schizophrenia.
and thats MISTER Dickhead to you, Airman!
What a waste of words by Greeley... it pays to have tunnel vision but if his party keeps losing elections, maybe it's time to open them up.
Father Greeley should stick to religion! I think priests taking aggressive political actions went out with Cardinal Richelieu!
The author is a lying about lying about lies.
Let me understand this - The heads of government around the world says Saddam has WMD - and we are supposed to ignore it?
Can you imagine if you were responsible for the lives of 280 million Americans - would you ignore this information, and do nothing? I can see the Democratic response now if something did materialize.
If you lie about your lies, then are you telling the truth?
The heretic Greeley should stick to the only thing he's good at; writing soft core porn.
Let's see, that would have been only about 8 months in office. You don't think they were still focused on their transition since Clinton/Gore froze their transition funds until December 2000? Or how about how the Senate was still holding up Bush's appointments to Cabinet and Under-Secretary positions? Don't you think they were still focused on trying to put their team together?
I thought that the Sun-times was a conservative newspaper. What are they doing with a columnist like this?? (Isn't this the home newspaper of Novak?).
The Rev. Andrew M. Greeley is a priest, sociologist, and best-selling author. He is a professor of social sciences at the University of Chicago and the University of Arizona, and a research associate at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. His current sociological research focuses on contemporary issues facing the Catholic Church, including the celibacy of priests, the ordination of women, the religious imagination, and the sexual behavior of Catholics.
Yes, it all makes sense now. Evil Nazi Republican morons concoct a brilliant conspiracy to hide the truth inside the truth wrapped in lies for the purposes of turning the United States into a Christian theocracy run by tyrannical capitalists using Wal-Mart merchandise to get the oil from Iraq and kill the caribou in Alaska and pollute the earth and kill kids by keeping abortion illegal and banning contraception while phony blacks promote white male politics because they hated Clinton so much and it's all just revenge on the loss of GW's father in the 1992 election.
Wow, it just makes the tin foil in my hat all tingly.
If I had a nickle for every time a RAT politician said 41 failed when he didn't take Sadaam out, I would have a whole lot of nickles.
The RATS can't stand it when GWB acted while all they could do is shoot off their big mouths about Sadaam.