I'm not an American and I wasn't born when Carter became the US president, but if you read a natural chronology of what happened at that time you would have guessed Carter would have walked to a landslide given Watergate and perceived Vietnam matters (like it or not, much of the understanding was shaped by the MSMs). But even under the "optimistic scenario" Carter only managed pull a narrow win. Probably a lot of Americans understood what the US Left's tricks were, even under the then "high points" of leftist influences.
I am an American and was alive during Carters presidency.
It was a time of great embarasment for the majority of Americans.
Interest rates were at 18%, a small country, Iran, kidnapped an embassy of ours and all the folks inside. Business climate ws horrendous and then to make matters worse Mr. Carter saw fit to give away one of our most prized stratigic poscessions, the panama canal.
Carter, then like now preached to us like an old queen about his morals.
Throw in the rabid wabbit attack and his butt ugly wife and daughter and GOD knows it was not a proud time to be an American.
I have always thought America was the greatest place on earth, Mr. Carter made us all feel like we were less then others. Thank GOD for Mr. Reagan who came along and got us all feeling wonderful again.