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FReep 29 of Code Pink at Walter Reed, Nov 4 (Heavy graphics, Join us Nov 11!)
DC Chapter ^ | Nov. 9, 2005 | BillF

Posted on 11/09/2005 11:52:25 AM PST by BillF

On Nov 4 we had a huge turnout of FReepers and almost as many members of Rolling Thunder.  FReepers from the DC Chapter and beyond countered Code Pinkos at their weekly obscene anti-war blood dance outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center as their have for over 7 months.  Rolling Thunder ("RT") had considerable interaction with the Pinkos as many of them walked over to one of the Pinkos corners. Some of the RT members crossed back to our side. Others were still on the Pinko side when police arrived, apparently after Eric "Squeegee Guy" made a 911 call, but there was no real problem.

Code Pink is truly stuck in a quagmire as FReepers severely hinder the Pinkos' cynical attempts to manipulate severely wounded soldiers and relatives in hopes of finding those who will join the anti-war movement and break faith with the troops still fighting a ruthless enemy. Please help us by showing up next Friday night per details below.  Stand up against the Pinkos who've endorsed "the Iraqi resistance" (as they call our enemy, see here and here), given money to the other side in Fallujah, and called our troops "killers." Then, the Pinkos demonstrate at the hospital and pretend that they support our troops.

Please join us this Friday, Nov 11, at 6:30 pm. This is Veterans' Day, a day to honor all our veterans. Honor the wounded ones still at Walter Reed by helping us counter the Pinkos' psych-op against our troops there. Also,  the Washington Post published a story, on the weekend before last, about the weekly dueling demonstrations of Pinkos vs. FReepers such that the leftists might draw more people this Friday. Please make an extra effort to attend.

To help people get there on time, without having to stop for dinner, we got pizza on site at the FReep.

The honor roll of those in attendance (lurkers are marked with an asterisk*, except that Rolling Thunder and friends were too numerous for me to get all their names): Adam from MD*, ALlRightAllTheTime, beandog, BFM and his father, Bill from MD*, BufordP, Christopher Lincoln, concretebob, Doctor Raoul, Dustin19thMountain, Eric from MD*, Fraxinus, gate2wire, Iraqikurd, Jack Deth, Jason from MD*, Justanobody, Kristinn, Landry Fan, LuvUSTroops and her husband and child (that's the screen name that she gave me, but it is not valid), Michelle from MD*, mr.sarcastic, mrs.sarcastic, pasquale, PleaDeal, SonOfTGSL, tgslTakoma, Tolerance Sucks Rocks, trooprally (two FReepers: Mr. & Mrs.), and BillF. That's 34 of us, apart from our great Rolling Thunder guests.

We were proud to have 29 members and friends of Rolling Thunder (RT) join us. This was the second week in a row that some joined us and it was at least the fourth time when these veterans and patriots were kind enough to roll our way.

Our 63 patriots included numerous Rolling Thunder members from around the country including North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, and New York, among many other states. Rolling Thunder was holding a convention in the DC area, but we thank them for making the time to get down to Walter Reed. Now for those of you who live a lot closer, why can't you make it? Unless you have medical, work, family, geographic (i.e., you live too far away) or other factors that prevent you from coming, you owe it to the troops to come. The troops tell us every week how important it is for us to be there. Don't just be a spectator, come out and show your support in person to the troops. You'll be glad that you did.

The event was so large that I can only present that part of the story that I saw. If you were there, please describe your own experiences at the FReep. Also, let me know if I publish your photo without your name or, worse, I mislabel you in a photo.

[CLICK ON A PHOTO TO OPEN A LARGER VERSION IN A NEW WINDOW if it has a border around it. If a photo doesn't have a border, it is not hyperlinked to a larger version.  Click on another photo and its larger version should open in the same window that the first enlarged photo did. Or you can simply close the window with the enlarged photo and click on another photo in the report to open a new window with an enlarged photo. Note that some of the wider photos may open in a window wider than your screen and you can use a horizontal scroll bar to see parts. Photos will be interspersed in the report.

Photos were taken by tgslTakoma (click here for her full outstanding collection of photos), PleaDeal (click here for her full outstanding collection of photos and commentary on Nov 5 entry for her blog), and myself.  The photographer can be determined from the name of the photo. You can see that on hyperlinked photos (i.e., borders at edge) by running your mouse over them. On other photos, right click on the photo and click properties. The key is this: photos of tgslTakoma begin with "Dtgsl," photos of PleaDeal begin with "Dplea," and photos of mine begin with "DSCN." Please also check out Landry Fan's discussion of the evening, along with photos, on her great blog here.]

Opposed to our 63 patriots, the Pinkos managed to get, at most, only 29 America-hating traitors and their well-meaning, but incredibly-misguided, dupes. The dupes do not realize that their Pinko organizers, who claim to support our troops,  call our troops "killers,"  endorse "the Iraqi resistance" (those killing and wounding our troops, see here and here), and  have given money to "the other side" in Fallujah. Their poor showing was in spite of the Washington Post article mentioned above, although that article might still get more Pinkos out this coming Friday.

Late photo of the FReepers main corner. Taken from across the street after the Pinkos had left. Shows what the Pinkos see during
their event, except that many FReepers had relocated to the Pinko side by the time of the photo. The MOAB (tgslTakoma's
Mother-of-all-banners) holds the key message for the troops.

Another view of the MOAB as Tolerance Sucks Rocks holds Blessed are the Peacemakers: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines sign


Christopher Lincoln at left and various Rolling Thunder and other FReepers at
right with FReepers' secondary corner at far right.

Secondary FReepers' corner in foreground and primary
FReepers' corner with MOAB in background.


Another view along the FReep line.

[Mr] trooprally, LuvUSTroops, concretebob, and Landry Fan. Check out Landry
's outstanding description of the night on her great blog (click here). (LuvUSTroops
is not a valid screen name, but it's what I was wrote down as her screen name. If anyone
knows her real screen name, please FReep mail me with it.)


beandog is one of our near tireless patriots,
but she's sitting down here


It was great to have Michelle and husband
 Jason, both veterans from MD, join us.
She's just out of the Army and he has served
in the Coast Guard. Thanks for your service.

Adam from MD and one of the RT women

North end of the FReepers' main corner. Car has special license
plate for Code Pink.

With his Dad at left, BFM continues to serve the country as both
he and his father did in long military careers. Thanks for your

SonOfTGSL, Landry Fan, and beandog

Rolling Thunder members in with the FReepers.

Doctor Raoul led FReepers on the secondary corner in a chant. He would chant "Shame on Code Pink!" Then, FReepers would respond by shouting "leave the wounded alone!" CLICK TO HEAR THE WAV FORMAT SOUND FILE (or right click to save and play later) (7 seconds, 76 Kb). The sound file doesn't do this justice because of some traffic noise, but at least some of the Pinkos look ashamed when they hear this chant. Someday, there should be a Doctor of FReep Greatest Hits album.

An early view of the Pinkos' main corner. Note the "Mother of a Marine" sign, but, as far as we could tell, no one held that sign on
this night.

Bruce Wolf, Code Pink's designated fiction writer, at right of the "Bring the Guard" mini-banner. He is trying to corner the market
on blue shirts and pants.

 Wolf up close at right. I think that's another of the blue shirts, but the long distance flash telephoto whitens out the color. Still, he did
actually wear a shirt that wasn't blue one Friday night, apparently trying to disguise himself. Or maybe it was a full moon that night?

Another view of the Pinkos.

We were happy when 7 Rolling Thunder members and friends arrived by car to join us a few minutes into the FReep. A short time later, we heard the motorcycles and then we were honored to have an additional 22 Rolling Thunder roll up to reinforce our numbers, thus lifting our numbers to more than 2 to 1 relative to the Pinkos.

The Pinkos had most of their people concentrated on their south corner with about 5 or 6 on the north corner on their side of the street. About 20 of the Rolling Thunder members walked over to the north corner of the the Pinko side of Georgia Avenue, the main street usually dividing the two patriots and the Pinkos.


More Rolling Thunder and FReepers

Rolling Thunder start across the street.


Rolling Thunder at the north end of the Pinko side (red light is
an artifact caused by a tail light of a car)


Once the Rolling Thunder and some others had descended on the north corner of the Pinko side, they just talked to the Pinkos. Much of it was civil, but, as recounted by one person who was there, Eric "Squeegee Guy" told this witness and another person that he had a bullet waiting for them. Some peace activist he is.

This unfortunate talk about bullets is reminiscent of the first of these FReeps, when one of Gael Murphy's peace activists pretended to be on our side, held a "Kill the Poor" sign, ranted about wanting to kill people, and then said that he had a gun in his pocket (details here). (Murphy later lied about her knowledge of the disruptors that she had sent, per details here, look at text around 6th sound file.)

Eric "Squeegee Guy" really needs to change to decaf. Apparently, he is trying to put on some tough guy image, but he is digging himself into a hole if he continues to go around with that attitude.

(At last summer's FReep at the Military Recruitment Center a mile down the road last summer, Squeegee displayed a defensiveness that was quite silly. With the leftists outnumbering us two to one, I stood 15 feet away to take his photo and he shouted at me "we will not be intimidated!" The leftists started chanting, which blocked me from responding, "we're not here to intimidate you, we're here to laugh at you.")

The following is the account of the witness and I have no way to contact Squeegee for his comments or version of events. Squeegee told one of the patriots, "I'm not scared of you. I have a bullet for you." The patriot responded, "when are going to do this [shoot me]?" "You come to my place and I have a bullet waiting for you." After that patriot left, Squeegee told the witness that "I have a bullet at my place for you."

Pinkos at right and left ends with Rolling Thunder in the middle. Squeegee's bullets are at home, but he is flashing a peace sign here
(third from right).

Maybe, Squeegee thinks that telling a Rolling Thunder member that the RT guy probably has a few felonies (as he was said to have done a few weeks back) and now all his lose talk about bullets  makes him a tough guy for peace. He is making a big mistake. In the U.S., we settle political disputes with ballots, not bullets. FReepers will just laugh at him and maybe chant at him, nothing more, but he may talk himself into trouble with others if he keeps with the ultra-belligerent attitude.

Last June, I had a civil conversation with Squeegee outside the White House. It was quite amusing and enjoyable. I would urge him to lighten up and would urge all dealing with him to realize that he may be a little more delusional than your average Pinko. Since he's unlikely to listen to my advice, Gael Murphy may need to muzzle him for his own good.

With the Rolling Thunder on the north corner of the Pinko side, most of the Pinkos moved to that same corner, eventually getting themselves and their banners in front of the RT people.

Police car came, apparently upon a 911 call from Squeegee or
another Pinko

The police came and asked the Rolling Thunder to relocate to our side of the road, which they did. Two of the Rolling Thunder members linked arms with one of the officers and one announced that they were escorting the officer across the street for his safety, to the laughter of the officer, Rolling Thunder, and FReepers. Maybe, even some of the Pinkos laughed at that.

Good Pinko message discipline, but why demonstrate at hospital of war-wounded when your demonstration doesn't have anything to
do with policy made or even implemented at the hospital? Oh, I know, because you want to exploit war-wounded for your twisted
propaganda purposes.

Pinkos at north corner after Rolling Thunder had left that side.

After standing with us for some time, most of the Rolling Thunder rolled out as FReepers watch their motorcycles.

At left, a young journalism student, who had interviewed some of us in past weeks, interviews DC Chief Pinko, Gael Murphy. At
as right, Perry with the guitar jokes (maybe his days as a roadie for a rock band, days of "sex, drugs, and rock and roll?")


Murphy panics at question from journalism student.


Here's a partial transcript of the interview at left (and this is at least as truthful as Dan Rather's account of the President's Air National Guard service, even without having Bill Burkett to help me make this up):

Journalism student (J): Which side would you prefer to see victorious in Iraq, the side with the Americans or the side fighting the Americans?

Gael Murphy (M): This is quite complex. People have different definitions of victory.

J: What is victory to you?

M: Peace.

J: So if there was peace in Iraq tomorrow because of a complete collapse of the side fighting against the U.S., in other words an American military victory, you would be happy and see that as a victory?

M: That would not be a true victory because it would teach the U.S. that its illegal force triumphed.

J: So you don't want the U.S. to win?

M: I didn't say that! I just want peace.


This sign's slogan is apparently the latest fad among peaceniks,
but if you really love the troops, why would you demonstrate at
their hospital or call them killers?



Weasel or some such rodent at center, crazy pack back guy on



The woman on the right is either a journalist, who never came to
our side, or, more likely, a Pinko taking roll


Leftist appears to be looking into a camcorder.


Kevin McCarron holds "Quiet Zone" sign, but he's famous for
holding (as did Bruce Wolf) the "Maimed for a Lie" sign in the
past. The sign, among others, led Murphy to claim infiltration
by right-wing elements, but we had photos of leaders of their
side, such as McCarron and Wolf, holding improper signs.
Yet, he and Wolf continue to "infiltrate" the Pinkos.


Pinkos forgot to mention Halliburton in their yellow sign.
(Maybe they don't realize that Halliburton probably made the
plastic that was used to make that sign?)


Bus of wounded troops and family members returning from night
at fancy restaurant.

When the Pinkos had pretty much disbanded, Murphy was heard arguing with Eric "Squeegee Guy." I hope he didn't use the "I have a bullet for you at my place" line with her.  I would hate to see that team break up.

After the Pinkos had withdrawn to escape being flipped off in mass by Walter Reed patients, and after some FReepers retook the Pinko side of the street, the bus of wounded troops and family members returned from their free meal at Fran O'Brien's. As the bus stopped to turn into the gate, the interior light came on and FReepers begin chanting "USA, USA!" The bus driver opened the door and one Walter Reed patient came down a few steps on the door's stairs, and shouted "Hoo-Rah!" We were honored.

Some FReepers then went onto the base to talk to the troops and express support for them, without regard to any political matters.

Let's help our wounded heroes maintain a positive attitude.  We absolutely must keep the pressure on Code Pink and keep showing the wounded troops at Walter Reed that Code Pink doesn't speak for the nation. If you live in the DC area and haven't yet come out for one of these FReeps, please do so this next Friday. Injured Walter Reed patients, including amputees, have repeatedly told us how important it is for us to be there to counter Code Pink.

If we can sufficiently outnumber the leftists often enough, embarrassment may cause the leftists to stop these outrageous morale-damaging ("Maimed for a lie" was one of their commonly-used signs) demonstrations at the hospital. At the very least, we can hinder their psychological warfare operation against the wounded troops. What about you? Can you spare a few hours on a Friday night?  

Can you give up next Friday night at the movies to support troops who've given up limbs for your freedoms? Will you?

This FReep is rewarding, fun, and important for our troops and our nation.

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: aar; antiwar; codepink; codepinkdc; dcchapter; freepcodepink; infinitefreep; rally; supportourtroops; walterreed
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To: Coop
wtc911's big mouth is much earlier than his feeling guilty at our statements and firing at us. If he thinks what we do is worthless, he has missed the history I have seen with my own eyes since 1998. I put my experience in the streets above his ego any day. What I don't like about wtc911 is his attacks on Rev. Jesse Peterson. This speak volumes about his character and how he judges.
Anyone can give money that all of us do for good causes. It is the person who also gives their time related to labor that backs up their actions. Shooting your mouth off like wtc911 has no value.
221 posted on 11/14/2005 6:28:04 AM PST by bmwcyle (We broke Pink's Code and found a terrorist message)
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Protest doesn't bother me. Its something you have to tolerate in a free society. What bothers me in the venue. Protest at the White House or on the Mall if you must, but for gods sake don't protest at a site filled with wounded soldiers.

222 posted on 11/14/2005 6:39:17 AM PST by SmoothTalker
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To: SmoothTalker

That is why we are there. We point that out every Friday. What you need to see (with your own eyes) is the thanks we get from the military and the police for being there to counter them. We have been told many times our presents makes them feel not forgotten.

223 posted on 11/14/2005 7:59:21 AM PST by bmwcyle (We broke Pink's Code and found a terrorist message)
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To: BillF; tgslTakoma; Albion Wilde
Thank you Bill. Exactly what I needed. My disabled friend is gonna have a blast reading all these links.

Thanks again!!

224 posted on 11/14/2005 8:28:13 AM PST by upchuck (John Robinson abhors my avatar: :)
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To: Fraxinus

Somebody did, but I forget who get it. I'll try to include in the report.

225 posted on 11/14/2005 11:50:16 AM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: All

I'm back from my trip. Thanks to everyone who made it to WR. Now I'm looking at the pics and catching up on what I missed.

226 posted on 11/14/2005 1:52:10 PM PST by Landry Fan (Proud Supporter of the President and the US Military.)
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To: Landry Fan

Welcome back LF! Hope all went well. See you Friday!

227 posted on 11/14/2005 4:42:33 PM PST by Just A Nobody (I - LOVE - my attitude problem! WBB lives on. Beware the Enemedia trolls.)
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To: Justanobody

It was lovely. Everyone was happy. Hope to have pictures in a couple days.

I'll be back this Friday. It took a big occasion to pull me away from supporting the troops at WR.

228 posted on 11/14/2005 4:52:00 PM PST by Landry Fan (Proud Supporter of the President and the US Military.)
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To: Landry Fan
It took a big occasion to pull me away from supporting the troops at WR.

I know that it did!!! Glad you will be back with us!

229 posted on 11/14/2005 4:54:15 PM PST by Just A Nobody (I - LOVE - my attitude problem! WBB lives on. Beware the Enemedia trolls.)
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To: wtc911

It is not my style to observe freeper's personal shortcomings. However, your "elitist" "smug" "self-righteous" attitude has grated on my last nerve. So you don't like street freeping. Okay, we got the message. Now explain to me why you keep showing up on these WRAMC threads to disparage people who are obviously giving time, effort, money and emotion in an effort to keep our wounded heros from being demoralized. You don't like it? Stay off the thread. Go do your thing and brag about it somewhere else.

230 posted on 11/14/2005 5:21:01 PM PST by WVNan
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To: BillF

BillF, thanks for posting the master list of Walter Reed FReeps. Fantastic.

I'd just like to add that on the weekend of 23 September, when there was the large protest and counterprotest, Tantor at Conservative Propaganda blog wrote an excellent piece about both events. The citywide protest is second the the Walter Reed FReep is the third article -- scroll down.

231 posted on 11/14/2005 9:51:59 PM PST by Albion Wilde (America will not run, and we will not forget our responsibilities. – George W. Bush)
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To: Albion Wilde

Wonderful, thanks for calling that to my attention.

232 posted on 11/14/2005 10:33:20 PM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: Apple Blossom

ping the link

233 posted on 11/15/2005 5:54:47 AM PST by bmwcyle (We broke Pink's Code and found a terrorist message)
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To: All


234 posted on 11/15/2005 10:36:29 AM PST by Landry Fan (Proud Supporter of the President and the US Military.)
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To: Doctor Raoul

What a lovely couple......... hehehehehe

Why is it, that the leftists always have that same, blank stare?? They all look like zombies to me.

235 posted on 11/15/2005 12:38:11 PM PST by GeorgeW23225 ("Grow your own dope. Plant a liberal")
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To: BillF

Thank You for standing outside of WRAMC every Friday night to confront the commies, and to show our troops that we support them.

I work every Friday night, but, one day I'm going to phone in sick and join you.

Do you think I'll get into trouble for holding up a sign that says:


236 posted on 11/15/2005 12:57:19 PM PST by GeorgeW23225 ("Grow your own dope. Plant a liberal")
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To: tgslTakoma

Well said, and I agree!!

As long as the soldiers appreciate what you are doing, who cares about what wtc911 thinks......

237 posted on 11/15/2005 1:07:05 PM PST by GeorgeW23225 ("Grow your own dope. Plant a liberal")
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To: BillF; Doctor Raoul; All
Great to meet ya'll on Friday.

Fabulously spirited group, great pizza.

Seeing the troops returning from Fran O Brien's vigorously waving,smiling and communicating their thank you's from the bus was priceless, a joyous moment.

What a privilege.
238 posted on 11/15/2005 1:12:44 PM PST by HonestConservative (Bless our Servicemen!)
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To: GeorgeW23225

Sorry, but they don't allow PERSONALS ads on federal property...

239 posted on 11/15/2005 5:35:36 PM PST by Doctor Raoul (Raoul's First Law of Journalism: BIAS = LAYOFFS)
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To: GeorgeW23225

It would be a pleasure to have you join us sometime.

I think Gael Murphy would object to the sign if you didn't include her phone number. :)

Relative to the sign, I think you owe an apology. That is, an apology to whores and lesbians everywhere. :) Few whores and lesbians sell out their country and give $600K to the other side. Fewer still are so evil that they hold a war protest at a hospital of war-wounded, who should be allowed to recover in peace, without being told that they were "Maimed for a Lie" as the Code Pinko sign held by their leaders said.

Seriously though, we try to keep the signs on message as much as possible, but that might detract from the message discipline. Our message is two fold: (1)supporting the courty, the troops, their mission, and the President in his role as Commander-in-Chief and (2)opposing the terrorists and their sympathizers, apologists, supporters (e.g., for example Code Pink's leadership, who endorsed the Iraqi resistance), and dupes.

Probably best to leave the sign at home. It could detract from our main messages by being overly personal.

240 posted on 11/15/2005 11:43:07 PM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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