Posted on 11/06/2005 8:17:38 PM PST by quesney
November 06, 2005
I haven't written about the Paris (and now perhaps French) intifada, partly because I've been too busy and partly because it's so sad. I've been saying since the early days of Power Line that France is done-for, but seeing this evidence of the phenomenon is much more harrowing than contemplating the concept. Despite my frequent and harsh criticism of France and the French (too frequent and harsh to suit my French wife), I love the city of Paris and some aspects of French culture. The demise of that city and that culture, for all the faults of both, is tragic.
The riots in themselves signal no such demise. We had our race riots in the late 1960s. But these riots are fundamentally different. Although our rioters had reason to hate America, deep-down they didn't. Our riots came at the tail end of the great and peaceful civil rights revolution. By the time they occurred, Congress had already passed the legislation that would vastly diminish the injustices that sparked them. The movement that Martin Luther King led was profoundly pro-American. It challenged America to live up to its creed. The rioters were kids who, to the extent they claimed to be separatists, were fooling themselves and no one else. It was their impatience with the pace of integration which caused them to embrace the shock rhetoric of extreme black nationalism.
As far as I can tell, the situation in France today is nothing like that. These riots are not the tail-end of a peaceful, pro-French civil rights movement. They are a manifestation of raw hatred of France. The anti-French rhetoric is not the result of youthful hot-headedness or a desire to shock the French into living up to their creed (if what France stands for can be called that). It is, at least in part, the product of a religion with its own diametrically opposite creed. The leaders of the movement behind the riots aren't demanding that the French embrace them. Their objective is to transform France into an Islamic state. The intention is not to do away with the vestiges of slavery. At best, it is to preserve their ability to act outside of the constraints of law and western civilization. At worst, it is to terrorize the French until they convert to Islam, and to enslave those who don't convert.
France's situation may not be hopeless, but it's not easy to see the way out. The best hope may be that the U.S. succeeds in its efforts to transform the Middle East to the point that Muslims perceive themselves as having a stake in the democratic project (as American blacks did) and in the global economy. Ironically, France has done just about everything it can to undermine this effort by the U.S.
Posted by Paul at 07:12 PM
"Heaven help the French; they can't help themselves"
Why not Allah? /s
In other words, they're not looking west, they're looking east
Well, The United States did; TWICE.
I guess we were not up to the task. /sarc
Universal taxation is about all we have left....
Probably because the word "Capitalism" makes them itch.
A hard truth...
The only vision of the future that these thugs have is of themselves walking around with their chests puffed out while everyone cowers in fear. It is a pure vision of thugdom. The only practical way to deal with the situation is to put large numbers of them in jail for long periods of time.
(Their objective is to transform France into an Islamic state)
Maybe. The more immediate problem comes from several places:
-an ossified socialist economy that through its high taxes and high welfare policies have robbed islamic immigrants of the desire to work (welfare is such an easy hammock!)
-the same socialist economy has predictably not created any new jobs
-the labor unions have prevented any flexible work force rules, which again has caused a negative impact on the job situation
-the unassimilated slum islamic people hate their 30-45% unemployment rate and because of socialism think that the state owes them something
-into this vacuum come in the fascist islamists. It is no coincidence that Hitler rose during similar economic times.
Maybe by ending all welfare and public assistance. Enforcing the law and making jail a real punishment might also help. If all else fails...Madame la Guillotine!
Is it safe to say that there have been more cars destroyed in France than in Iraq?
That's a lie. It was the demon seed that we call liberalism.
Allow me to point the way out....
1. Lock and load.
2. Push the safety to the off position.
3. Make sure of the target and that the background is clear.
4. Close one eye and line the sights up with the target adjusting for distance and windage.
5. Take a breathe and hold it.
6. Then Squeeeeze the trigger, do not jerk or pull it but Squeeeeeeze the trigger.
This is a 6 step plan for ending riots and other dangerous situations.
I see the socioeconomic links. I don't see the Islamofascist links. Someone needs to show me people involved in the riots in France calling for a new caliphate or any of the other Islamofacist goals.
It is either a hoped for beginning of the recognition that the real problem is not legal, is not economic, is not religious and is not political, but truly an unalterable clash of cultures in which one sees it is dying (Islam) and sees no future unless it can conquer the other (the west), by dominance through migration or by terrorism and eventual war; or we are seeing the beginning of political and cultural suicide in Europe.
The French response will not be the only response in Europe to what is taking place in France. Every nation in Europe will begin to question how it would deal with the same situation and whether or not it cares to put itself in the position where that situation is possible.
"I see the socioeconomic links. I don't see the Islamofascist links. Someone needs to show me people involved in the riots in France calling for a new caliphate or any of the other Islamofacist goals."
Well, the fact that the Muslims in France have been attacking synagogues and Jews for the past 10-15 years should make the agenda pretty clear.
The same people? That link hasn't been provided either. Mosques have also been attacked.
No, there needs to be more proof for me to believe this is part of the global Jihad. It really smells more like socialism run amok.
Buts isnt that what the US liberals all about?
But in the USA instance the American liberals ar expressing pure self-hatred and pouring their vile contempt into the edukational system by brainwashing the kids into thinking it WAS Wrong to defeat Japan via the Atom bomb etc.
Send in the Dixie Chicks!
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