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What is the most accurate GPS device?
| delphinium
Posted on 09/29/2005 9:40:54 AM PDT by Delphinium
I know this is a personal matter but I am waiting for Garmin tech support to answer. I am wanting to buy a GPS device that is accurate atleast to 2 meters.
I know there are many high tech and high intellectual folks of Freerepublic, so I decided to ask.
TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: garmin; gotlostonwaytochat; gps
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To: Delphinium
The most accurate GPS device is an ex-wife...........
posted on
09/29/2005 9:42:56 AM PDT
Red Badger
(In life, you don't get what you deserve. You get what you settle for...........)
To: Delphinium
Two meters??
Ya gonna call in air strikes?
To: Red Badger
Got that right...they know where you're just thinking of going.
posted on
09/29/2005 9:44:15 AM PDT
(Everything happens as God wants it to.....otherwise, things would be different.)
To: Delphinium
If you buy a modern GPS receiver, the accuracy will have nothing at all to do with which one you use. GPS accuracy is a function of the physics involved with satellite positioning and the number of those satellites being tracked by your receiver. The more satellites it receives at once, the more accurate, up to a point. AFAIK, the best you get with GPS is about 15 ft (5 meters) accuracy.
posted on
09/29/2005 9:44:32 AM PDT
("The central issue is America's credibility and will to prevail" - Goh Chok Tong)
To: Delphinium
Can you get your mitts on an unexploded JDAM?
posted on
09/29/2005 9:44:43 AM PDT
(We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singin' "whiskey for my men and beer for my horses!")
To: Delphinium
Is this for a rack mount?
posted on
09/29/2005 9:45:07 AM PDT
(Everything happens as God wants it to.....otherwise, things would be different.)
To: Delphinium
My Garmin 182C with charting is usually showing accuracy at 8 feet. Sometimes it is 6 feet, sometimes at 9 ft. This is a 12 channel WAAS mounted unit on a 42 ft sailboat.
To: Delphinium
Garmin is an excellent manufacturer. If you want the ultimate accuracy and precision you need to go the route of base station and field station. Differential position can get down in the centimeter range.
posted on
09/29/2005 9:45:14 AM PDT
(28 Sep 05 -- first snowflake --where's FEMA?)
To: Delphinium
None are that accurate except differential devices like those used by surveyors, and you are talking $$$. WAAS capable units are the most accurate handheld and dash mount units you can get. The accuracy isn't really determined by the unit, but by the system.
Comment #11 Removed by Moderator
To: stuartcr
And show up before you get there!.........
posted on
09/29/2005 9:46:25 AM PDT
Red Badger
(In life, you don't get what you deserve. You get what you settle for...........)
To: Redcloak
they are actually accurate to inches....but the government has a "wavy" signal so they are not perfect...and you can understand why...
I have a Medillian gold...color screen..and you can buy maps for all over the world..
To: stuartcr
rack mount.........heh heh heh.........(Marine Corps pun).......
posted on
09/29/2005 9:47:19 AM PDT
Red Badger
(In life, you don't get what you deserve. You get what you settle for...........)
To: Delphinium
"...GPS device that is accurate atleast to 2 meters."
(G)allup (P)oll (S)urveys are never 'that' accurate...
To: F15Eagle
Me too. I need the best lowww-priced GPS.
posted on
09/29/2005 9:48:29 AM PDT
(I don't have any confidence in my ability to fail - Kenneth Copeland)
To: Delphinium
If accuracy is your thing, buy the smallest models of surveying GPS units with differential capability.
We're talking milimeters, then.
Kinematically (in motion), they are accurate to + or - 4 inches.
posted on
09/29/2005 9:48:59 AM PDT
(Liberal level playing field: If the Islamics win we are their slaves..if we win they are our equals.)
To: JustRight
$$$ is correct. Surveyors do this, but the casual user would find it hard to justify the expense even if the base station is already in.
posted on
09/29/2005 9:49:04 AM PDT
(28 Sep 05 -- first snowflake --where's FEMA?)
To: F15Eagle
For hand held, I use a Magellan explorist 200. Works great and was less than $150.
To: Red Badger
Sorry, I was mostly Navy. I should have said 19" rack mount.
posted on
09/29/2005 9:49:29 AM PDT
(Everything happens as God wants it to.....otherwise, things would be different.)
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