I AM FURIOUS THAT these officials said over half of the police force had abandoned their jobs when in actuality, these people did not even exist but were on the roles so that their salaries could line pockets of genuinely corrupt people.
Not only an abuse of tax dollars.........but horrific neglect towards the safety of their OWN CITIZENS.
It seeems to be that the democrats who have run NO for 60 plue years have used their poor in the worst ways possible. That they have kept them LITERALLY on a desparate plantation, used them as a voting block and failed to protect and educate and lift them up. I believe were were seeing the democrat's SLAVES desparately seeking shelter and looting and shooting and confused because their elected officials have neglected and used them FOR YEARS UPON YEARS.
I this dirty little secret probably goes on in all of our major cities everywhere the dems are in charge.
It makes me sick.
Their government programs are meant to do one thing...keep these deprived people dependent, unresponsible, undereducated, angry, racist and holed up in a democratic voting block.
nagin and landrieu and blanco make me sick...as do the council leaders down there.
I wish I could turn it on. This sounds like the death knell of the Dem party as they know it.
They are screaming at FEMA, who isn't a first responder, because they are trying to cover up the fact that 50% of their first responders DIDN'T EXIST!