Posted on 09/09/2005 12:07:04 PM PDT by John Jorsett
FEMA head Michael Brown has had a tough couple of weeks. Politicians are in front of cameras calling for his resignation, petitions are being signed for his removal, bloggers want him to assume room temperature, and the talking heads on cable repeat his name no less than 30 times in an hour.
And if you think things can't simply get any worse for this man, think again.
A TIME investigation reveals discrepancies in the FEMA chief's official biographies
TIME has found discrepancies in his online legal profile and official bio, including a description of Brown released by the White House at the time of his nomination in 2001 to the job as deputy chief of FEMA.
And just what are those discrepancies?
Michael Brown has been officially 'thrown under the bus'.
But even if he did 'fudge' a little on his credentials, he's not the only one who has made themselves out to be something they're not.
Lying about military records have been a favorite among cheaters, particularly because no one wants to challenge the honor of someone who fought to defend our country.
Executives at major corporations have been embroiled in scandals by misstating earnings, taking kickbacks, and...lying on their resumes.
Know someone with a degree from Columbia State University? It's probably a fake, federal authorities say.
And it doesn't end there. A review of 2.6 million job applications in 2002 revealed that 44% contained a lie or two.
Wondering what the most common resume lie is? Compensation, job tenure, and reasons for leaving your last job.
What does your resume look like?
UPDATE: Recalled
The TIME stuff is bogus...
Didn't I just read on another thread that lady said she was misquoted?
Back tracking on this today. Said she never said that.
That's the same excuse making libs make. Reminds me of little kids . . . "Johnny does it!" And Democrats, "Its only sex!"
Don't know whether or not Brown is a political casualty or someone in need of replacement, but in this day and age, he gets a prize for stupid.
Must have taken a whole couple hours to fact check that resume.
I don't believe President Bush would have removed Brown without cause. President Bush is too loyal to do that.
So? Didn't make any difference for Ward Churchill.
Unfortunately, the damage they set out to do has already been done. Scumbags.
This sounds like a student-vote award, which probably was named that, and used the term "professor" generically, as college students often do, to refer to anyone teaching a course at the college.
The nursing home thing is weird and needs explaining. The other two aren't worth discussing.
It looks like reality. If the guy lied, I'm not going to defend him just because he's a Republican. Get a conscience!
His resume puts him there before her, she said that as well. Also others are pointing out that assistants to managers are people who do work, and people remember him doing work on emergency planning.
So this part of his "fake" resume has been pretty much put to bed.
The stuff about his college part of his resume also seems to have taken a beating.
About the only part of the story which hasn't been directly refuted yet was his listing himself as a directort of some nursing home. Have no idea why he would lie about that, so I am presuming that will turn out to be false as well.
I think Brown's quote sums it up
"Asked if he was being made a scapegoat for a federal relief effort that has drawn widespread and sharp criticism, Brown told The Associated Press after a long pause: "By the press, yes. By the president, No.""
Since we're wallowing in sh!t, what's up with the ol' Wardster? Now would be the perfect time for CU to finally slap him on the hand and put their "investigation" to bed. They have, after all, been waiting until no one's looking. Worked for Sandy Burglar.
He was taken out of the line of fire. Bush is too loyal to allow his faithful people to get slammed without cause.
"He was taken out of the line of fire. Bush is too loyal to allow his faithful people to get slammed without cause."
I don't know about that.... Lots of Bush loyalists have taken unfair fire over an extended period of time.
If Brown was doing a first class job at FEMA I can't believe President Bush would remove him at this critical time because of press criticism.
Some of Time's sources are revising and extending their remarks. An excerpt: Claudia Deakins, Edmond's director of marketing and public relations, was quoted in the Time article as saying that Brown was not a manager but more like an intern. Brown was assistant to the city manager in Edmond from 1977-80. However, this morning, Deakins disputes Time's quotes attributed to her.
I spoke with two reporters from Time Magazine Thursday. I answered questions about the City of Edmond, the organizational structure and role of the city manager and his staff. My comments were in the context of the organization as it functions today. I explained that my employment with the city of Edmond began in 1997, several years after Michael D. Brown's employment by the city and that I could not speak to the specifics of the organizational structure as it was during that time. I also explained that I could not I speak to the details of Mr. Brown's role within the organization.
The only people who can speak with authority with regard to Mr. Brown's position in the organization are those who were at the City of Edmond during that time and worked with Mr. Brown, such as the city manager or members of the city council.
I regret any misunderstanding that may have occurred as a result of my comments.
End of Quote
Source: NRO (The Corner - 1:17PM)
He's still in the job the president appointed him to.
Of course. What's your point? Brown also is taking unfair fire. His continued presence in NO will keep the fire going.
Bush took him out of the fire so the politicos would no longer have a target. However, Bush knows the attack is undeserved. Therefore, Brown is retained in his job as national administrator of FEMA. Better Brown is in DC if another disaster hits elsewhere in the country. He has a big responsibility.
Now James Lee Witt and Hitlery no longer have a target. They will have to concentrate on NO itself.
Doesn't anyone check these people out before they are hired?
What we must look like to the world. The great Superpower brought to their knees because of a hurricane.
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