Posted on 09/09/2005 10:46:50 AM PDT by dead
THIS film filled me with hate hate for the terrorists who killed thousands of innocent people on 9/11 and hate for all the murderous Muslim fanatics still out there who even now continue to hold the world hostage.
It's a feeling akin to the one many of us had in the days and weeks following the attacks unrequited anger coupled with a robust appetite for revenge.
Four years after the attacks, it's not a bad thing at all for a TV movie to rekindle those emotions since we're still fighting the war that started that day.
"The Flight That Fought Back" re-creates the story of United Flight 93, the one that took off from Newark Airport for San Francisco and later crashed in open fields in Somerset County, Pa., after passengers attacked the hijackers and foiled their plan to crash the jet somewhere in Washington.
This innovative, 90-minute, made-for-TV movie narrated by Kiefer Sutherland and scheduled to air without commercials adheres strictly to the known facts about the plot hatched after passengers and cabin crew members learned via cellphone calls from loved ones that three other hijacked planes had already been used as missiles at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
< snip >
The interviews are especially moving when the survivors recall their last phone calls and voice-mail messages some of which you'll hear from their loved ones on the doomed plane.
At 10:03 a.m., Flight 93 hit the ground upside-down at a speed of 580 mph. Very little remained of the aircraft, its 33 passengers and seven crew members, but after you watch this movie, you will never forget their voices or their deeds.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Is this a tv-movie with actors or a documentary?
Must see TV.
I believe its a mix of both. I've heard nothing but positive things about it.
I dont need a movie to get me to hate the arab terrorists. I hated 'em before 9/11.
We must never forget. Never, EVER forget.
I sure hope they didn't portray the bad guys as Islamic Terrorist males between the ages of 18-40..that would be stereotyping and CAIR wouldn't be pleased../sarc off/
"We must never forget. Never, EVER forget."
Hopefully the anniversary and these shows will remind those who have forgotten the horror of that day.
Never forget. and NEVER AGAIN.
Haven't you heard? Theres a new commandment.
"Honor thy murderer and fatwa"
I have an online business that has that on it..WE MUST NEVER FORGET..with a link to the Blood of Heroes .mpg..I'll NEVER take that off of there..
Keep the flame alive. These people hate us and want to kill us. Bring it on. I may be old but will gladly take up arms one more time to rid the world of these cockroaches.
Amen, brother (or sister).
Wouldn't that be funny, to make a PC satire where the terrorists were Swedish grandmothers and California Valley girls?
Pretty good overall, but I thought it came up short in 4 areas:
Moron. Tell that to the families of the seventeen U.S.S. Cole sailors killed in that Yemeni harbour.
A small point, I know, but I'm tired of the idiot media continually propogating the leftist lies. Nevertheless, I totally agree with the author's sentiments.
Anybody hear if CAIR is threatening to sue because the film will make muslims loook bad and create an atmosphere of bigotry against islam?
A good friend of mine, a great-grandmother from South Carolina, cried for a week after 9-11. I want some terrorists' great-grandmothers to cry for a week - or two.
Does Kiefer have a forced on-air PSA telling everyone Muslims are our friends and not to hold this little murder against them? He did on the show 24.
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