Your response points something out that also needs to be considered. People are still being tended to from last years hurricanes...not to mention the two already this year before Katrina.
Heck, FEMA was (and is) still responding to the first Katrina strike in South Florida just days before. This doesn't include the other 90,000 square miles they are also dealing with.
I'm amazed that so many people really expect that FEMA can do as much as they are being asked. Sadly, I don't want a federal goverment that has to become so big that it continues to take even more responsibility (and revenue for support) away from the states. Just think about what some are asking for, here.
I do not dispute the ongoing devastating realities of what the last couple of years worth of hurricanes has inflicted on so many Americans, in the various paths of these deadly tropical storms.
"Just think about what some are asking for, here."
A more coordinated response would be a good start :)
On a side note relating to storms & flooding, while the Gulf coastline & Florida were being slammed by Katrina, two super-typhoons were bringing destruction to portions of Asian nations. Typhoon 'Nabi' Hits Japanese Production
Even as Japan is in the midst of recovering from Typhoon 'Nabi' rampage, this madness takes place: Masked men spray Japan students with powder.
(red)China: Typhoon Talim leaves 99 dead, 36 missing
The week before Hurricane Katrina there was a Disaster in Europe: Fires out, flood waters recede (heavy graphics) (8-25-05)
Yesterday a Strong quake jolted Taiwan (6.1)