Its very strange and maybe just coincidental. But have you noticed that it's the "Republican" Red states taking all the refugees from Louisiana?
Yep, I noticed I also noticed on Fox that they showed a black woman at the Astrodome, obviously upset and ignorant about what has been going on, to basically trash President Bush on the air. Thankfully they cut the audio-feed before the crude language began. That's when I turned Fox off, couldn't take it anymore. I doubt these people realize they are being taken care of by Red staters. I fear the good people of Houston and the rest of Texas are in for a real shock. Perhaps they can re-educate or just educate the poor and exploited of the democratic political machine in New Orleans.
Distant Cities Get New Population Segment: Evacuees
As evacuees flee the regions hit hardest by Hurricane Katrina, nearby cities and a few afar are marshalling resources and preparing to serve the hungry and the homeless, many of whom are arriving from New Orleans.
Cities near the affected Gulf Coast region are setting up shelters that offer free food, and sometimes medical care, while one more distant city, Detroit, has offered to transport by plane 500 families that it will house and feed until Dec. 1.
The first family was flown in from New Orleans on Northwest Airlines today, and will be supplied vouchers for hotels and food by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, said Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick, a Democratic congresswoman from Michigan.
More due to geographical location than anything else. Michigan (a blue state) has offered to take in refugees; the only thing is they're about as far due north as you can get and not hit Canada.