Posted on 09/02/2005 5:40:24 AM PDT by Dog
President to speak at 9am ...
I think it was helpful. What you heard on O'Reilly is correct. It will take an act of Congress to declare Martial Law which will allow the use of our military.
The Mayor cannot declare martial law. Only Congress can do that. :)
The mayor is too busy taking in photo-ops.
Did you hear over the last 2 days that the Mayor had declared Marshall Law? So, he was out of order? Hmmmm.
You're welcome. :) When I read what Pukin Dog wrote, I just had to pass it along. Perhaps you can help bump that thread, and spread the link to it, so that others who missed it will have the opportunity to read his excellent letter. Thanks! chena
Utter tripe. Those two would be down there with bullhorns making sure everyone doesn't shove, trip or fall while carrying TV sets on their backs out of the store and blaming Bush for the hurricane.
They both stand on the necks of their followers and blame the Republicans for keeping them down.
The media just couldn't wait to start pointing fingers of blame in Iraq, but when it's Democrats in control of a state they run, the media is completely silent.
Exactly. Even with a communications breakdown, there shouldn't be utter chaos. There is not even a plan in action at the state and local level, even though they claim to be acting on one. Thus, the state and local officials blame the President for the utter chaos and lack of a master plan of action.
She would not let him go...Good Lord this was a touching moment.
Did you forget that Pres. Bush declared LA a federal DISASTER AREA even before the local authorities issued evacuation "suggestions"?
Such a declaration allowed FEMA to use $$ and pre-position equipment.
(Meanwhile, no-one else had a clue how bad it would get. Go back to the prior "live" Katrina threads overseen by NautiNurse and see how even early on, on FR, most of the discussion was about recipes rather than dire predicaments.)
Then after the storm hit on Monday, it was not until Mon. night overnight that I saw (even on FR) that any of the levees had failed.
And it was after THAT that the reports of looting, shooting, carnage developed.
BTW if FEMA sucks so bad why is the rescue going so much better in Mississippi and Alabama, which are ALSO corrupt southern hell-holes? Part of it is the additional flooding and people shooting a rescuers in NO.
Prayers for ALL!
Screw the media, they don't give a rats rear end either way. They're vested interest is to find something to be critical and glom onto it and keep harping on it.
Thanks again, Have a nice weekend. :)
OldFriend, you know Miami and South Florida had a severe problem with flooding particularly after the 1947 Hurricane which was a hugely wet storm most likely because it was seeded with dry ice. A great part of Miami was only 1 to 3 feet above sea level. After the 1947 storm everything west of 37th Avenue was under water. Today Miami extends out to the west of Krome Avenue. That is for basically two reason, a canal system was built in the Everglades to help drain off the water and developed land was and is required to be filled to acceptable levels.
It appears to me that New Orleans has done very little of anything. First off there are no safe shelters. The problem is a New Orleans problem, they are the ones that live there and should be aware of what their special problems are. Seems to me New Orleans should also be a city flushed with bucks with tourism, seaport and the oil industry. Money shouldnt be a problem.
The fact that the Superdome was used as a last ditch effort is very telling.
Other possibilities include:
(none necessarily true, just possible...)
you are a sleeper troll
you changed your mind (like Barry Goldwater when he married a liberal)
you are misinformed
someone hijacked your account
you've been watching too much CNN and are turning into a "Hurricane RINO"
Prayers for all!
While I don't think we can live as tho we'd live forever, there must be some planning for the future.
The City of New Orleans is full of crooks and crazies. Always was, always will be.
It's been an anything goes type of lifestyle.
Rotten at it's core.
None of the above that you speculate, Einstein.
>>If $500 million was being spent per day on Katrina , as FEMA claims, what exactly is being done? Wouldn't we see something more than what we are seeing and what the reporters are reporting?<<
1. New Orleans was not the only city or area to suffer. In fact, NOLA was NOT even the hardest hit by Katrina. The problem in NOLA was flooding after the levy breach (and 100,000 people ignoring a mandatory evacuation order but not taking even the most basic preparations to be without food, water, and electricity for a few days). There are probably up to a quarter million people between N.O. and Biloxi that are in urgent need over a hundred miles square. But as you may know, only the 'squeaky wheel' gets the oil, or in this case, media attention. Tens of thousands of rural and suburban white people in dire need isn't as newsworthy as tens of thousands of screaming urban blacks in dire need.
2. New Orleans is geographically one of the last, if not THE last, stop on the trip into the affected region for convoys. Rescue and assistance teams coming from the north, north east, and north west are going to encounter widespread damage and need 50 miles before reaching NOLA, especially from the north east. You treat the patient as you find him; first to be reached is first treated. You don't pass-by 50 miles of devastated people and areas in need then work backwards just because they don't have a powerful lobby and might play the race card on you.
3. In EVERY significant natural disaster we've had in the past 20 years (hurricanes, tornados, flooding, earthquakes, etc.), it has taken up to five full days AFTER the event for the National Guard to get the full force that is needed on the ground. The ground forces needed to deal with the wake of Katrina will be far larger than Andrew. The scope, magnitude, and complexity of the response needed is unprecedented in our times.
4. We have NEVER had to evacuate up to 100,000 people from an isolated city AFTER a disaster by plucking them off roof-tops, loading them onto busses that only have access to a fraction of the city, with two or three passable roads in and out of the city. And again, NOLA is not the only area affected or in need, in spite of the almost exclusive media coverage due to the 'squeaky wheel' effect.
5. It is not possible to mount an adequate rescue and assistance response to a disaster of this complexity and magnitude, spread well over one hundred miles square spanning two states, with only three to four days advanced notice. We are seeing the best response to a disaster of this scale that could be mustered with four days notice.
If we presumed a Katrina or Andrew was always around every corner, we could mount a faster response. But the federal government has never taken this view, and neither has LA or New Orleans. This is as much a failure of preparedness on the part of city residents, city and state officials who have been cavalier and in serious denial about the city's extreme vulnerability for...well...ever since the city was first settled, wiped out, rebuilt, wiped out, rebuilt and wiped out again 300 years ago.
As Aaron Neville once sang, "Tell It Like It Is."
Thank you, cake_crumb!
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