Posted on 09/02/2005 5:40:24 AM PDT by Dog
President to speak at 9am ...
Absolutely agree, Peach. A big part of the problem is our national dependence on federal government for everything (that's why we're here on this conservative forum).
Did you just see the President in Mississippi, Peach? Amazing, amazing man.....
The victims seem to be comforted by the President's visit. I think we all are.
Thanks. You said it best!
Exactly. Thanks for the clarity of mind. Other Freepers should take the shades off and see things for what they are. Thanks!
I did not mean that. In the Army, I learned leadership from the front and that it is important for leaders to be where the critical point is located and to be able to bring all the needed resources to that point to be successful. Serious questions about ALL levels of the governments' responses need to be asked, answered and corrected. Bush admits that the response has been unacceptable. He needs to see the tipping point .... NO.
If you can predict the weather accurately anough to plot the exact course, windspeed, precipitatin and duration of a given storm why aren't YOU applying to be head of FEMA or NOAA?? After all you would be unique on the planet. Every other meterologist, with acess to accurate satellite imagery and a powerful mainframe can only GUESS the potential problems and pass their GUESS on to the government and public. NONE of them can "see clearly" exactly what damage a storm will do. NONE of us can "see clearly" that survivors would be trying to kill their rescuers.
Preparedness isn't there, terrorist or natural disaster. Am I supposed to feel better about it now?
"They didn't load the buses that were sent in on Wednesday to take that first batch of people out of the Superdome with water. Why didn't somebody think of that?"
Good Point.
"It is the height of folly to not recognize what was done wrong, so that it doesn't happen again."
True enough. I believe it's playing a part in the constant drumbeat to attack the Fed's while pretty much ignoring that Nagin and Blanco screwed the pooch fom day one. Day one being days before Thor's hammer struck. Fed's actually told them it was about to hit somewhere nearby, and declared a formal emergency.
FEMA, by and large, has done what it was supposed to, and endured HOSTILE and DEADLY oppositon from those it is trying to save. The Feds are not universally a panacea, but now that true control is shifting their way, you'll see the results we all desperately want to see.
I reject your premise, that is why it isn't obvious. NYC was hit by a terrorist strike and didn't experperience this chaos. New Orleans sets a far different example. It strikes ME that leadership IN these cities demonstrates clearly whether they resemble a) NYC or b) new Orleans.
Okay, wait until Monday to fire somebody. Pres Bush has given the final warning. The effort has been ineffective. Two days. Then bring in Donald Trump.
It means something - I have been around, and posting, on FR for a long time.
You can't see things clearly. And it isn't whining.
It's also the height of rudeness for a poster who's been here as long as you to wave longevity over the head of someone who is making comments you don't agree with.
If FR is for "thinking conservatives," then criticism is part of thinking. Nobody gets better if all we do is pat them on the back.
I suppose Hitman also believes that Bill Clinton was wildly popular during his presidency............he thinks what the media tells him is accurate.
Clearly most polls have him in the dumps. The numbers you cite aren't notably reassuring, really, especially in light of the fact that given the post NO heat, they will probably go south again.
I am retired, but if I can pick my staff, including attorneys, from outside I would consider the offer.
Not if you are going to address my argument. IF you choose to address my argument you must address what I say, not introduce elements not dealing with that argument. Otherwise please refrain from returning a reply.
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