I know. Just pointing out that the so-called "megachurch" is actually pretty miniscule in the scheme of things. They just happen to all like to meet in one building. :-)
The Texas Baptist Association is preparing to take a role in the refugees. I am near Tyler and our little church is preparing to take shifts with meals. There are 250 people that are in local hotels now, but will need to move out. The Baptist camp is opening up their facilites to take them in. We are going send crews to cook and prepare meals. Our ladies group met tonight and planned personal care packages, sheets, teddy bears.
Call a local organization and find out what YOU can do this holiday weekend. Whereever you are, there is a way to help.
If you are just too mad to the looters, pick out a little child in one of the videos and imagine the poor kids. Pack school supplies, teddy bears, baby blankets. 100+ miles of coastline is destroyed for 30 miles inland. The thugs in NO are not the only story.