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9/11 Commission Acknowledges Briefing On Able Danger
Captain's Quarters ^
| August 10, 2005
| Captain Ed
Posted on 08/11/2005 6:13:03 AM PDT by YaYa123
Tomorrow's New York Times reports that members of the 9/11 Commission reversed themselves and now acknowledge being briefed on the Army's data mining project, Able Danger, prior to the publication of their report to the American people. After over 24 hours of denying that anyone had told the Commission about the secret project, their spokesman now says that commission officials met with a uniformed officer who told them about the identification of Mohammed Atta and three other 9/11 hijackers in 2000, over a year prior to the attacks:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 911commission; 911coverup; abledanger; atta; gorelick; jamiegorelick; thewall; weldon
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"First we hear that no such meeting occurred. After that, the Commission says one might have occurred in October 2003 but that no one remembered it. Now we find out that the Commission had two meetings where the heard about Able Danger and its identification of Mohammed Atta, including one just before they completed their report. Instead of saying to themselves, "Hey, wait a minute -- this changes the picture substantially," and postponing the report until they could look further into Able Danger, they simply shrugged their shoulders and published what they had."
Think of it: Members of the 9-ll Commission were lying YESTERDAY about what they knew and when they knew it.
Will the MSM ask "why" ?
posted on
08/11/2005 6:13:05 AM PDT
To: YaYa123
The 9/11 Commision was just about blaming it all on Bush and they certainly weren't willing to come out with any evidence that Clinton is the one who dropped the ball.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:15:48 AM PDT
To: YaYa123
These were briefings to their Staff according to Curt Weldon on Tony Snow yesterday. Said that two of the members of the 9-11 had never heard of this at all. Secretary Lehman was livid when he found out about this and I cannot remember the name of the other individual.
Noticed now they want to say it was the Commission now but Weldon said it was the Commission's staff.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:15:52 AM PDT
(AOII Mom -- J.C. for OK Governor in '06; Allen/Watts in 2008)
To: YaYa123
Captain Ed once again on top of the news BUMP!!
posted on
08/11/2005 6:16:36 AM PDT
(It's a cult of death and submission to fanatics Larry!!)
To: YaYa123
Another Thank you clinton this is to big for the media to cover up...
To: YaYa123
So what did the Commission do? It ignored those facts which did not fit within its predetermined conclusions.
I'm shocked.... you mean that members of the commission might actually have endangered the American public for a potential political gain.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:21:14 AM PDT
An Old Marine
(Freedom isn't Free)
To: YaYa123
YaYa, thanks for the ping on the other thread regarding this matter.
I just left you a message that I thought you should post this link on every thread about this matter, but being its own thread is even better.
Outstanding job.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:23:56 AM PDT
To: PhiKapMom
Lehman needs to demand the other commissioners answer the question: "Were you told about Able-Danger and Atta by the commission staff, and when did you get that information."
Let's all hear what Jamie's answer is!!!!
posted on
08/11/2005 6:24:02 AM PDT
To: YaYa123
The Cover-up Commission covers up the cover up.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:24:05 AM PDT
To: PhiKapMom
I can believe that the actual 911 commission did not see every piece of material. I'm sure all of it would have to be 'vetted' by a commission staff, otherwise, we'd still be there. But why oh why wasn't this forwarded..and by whom....Who were those staffers. What else is out there?
posted on
08/11/2005 6:25:12 AM PDT
To: YaYa123
There you have it, the biggest DOT of all didn't make the cut. This means that the cornerstone of the 9/11 Commission's conclusions no longer fit the facts. Able Danger showed that the U.S. had actionable intelligence, if the Clinton administration had allowed law enforcement and intelligence operations to cooperate with each other.
So now we know, what are we going to do next? Keep a sharp eye out for the finger pointing to begin. One line to watch for is 'the Pentagon withheld information from the 9/11 commission' -- Standard fare for cover ups.
Yoohoo, Jersey gals, remember those Bush bashing beauties that were the talk of the town when the left was trying to hang the lapses of 9/11 on President Bush. I think we have found the DOT you were looking for. What say y'all now? We're waiting.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:25:51 AM PDT
To: YaYa123
A legitimate unbiased MSM press would be hounding the daylights out of Jamie Gorelick about now (whatever rock she is presenty under). Beyond Atta and the direct Al-Qaida perpetrators, Gorelick is the person most responsible for 9-11 being a successful terrorist operation.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:27:15 AM PDT
To: YaYa123
And while the Clinton policy of enforcing a quarantine between law enforcement and intelligence operations came under general criticism, their report never included the fact that the "wall" for which Commission member Jamie S. Gorelick had so much responsibility specifically contributed to Atta's ability to come and go as he pleased, building the teams that would kill almost 3,000 Americans.When Gorelick wasn't forced to resign, we knew it was going to be all about protecting Clinton's legacy.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:27:25 AM PDT
To: Wuli
Weldon said yesterday that Lehman was demanding answers from Hamilton and I am not sure Hamilton knew about this -- if he did, he sure didn't act like it yesterday.
Have a hunch it was a closed group who knew this and now we know why Burger stole the documents and may be the reason his sentencing was DELAYED!
posted on
08/11/2005 6:27:41 AM PDT
(AOII Mom -- J.C. for OK Governor in '06; Allen/Watts in 2008)
To: SueRae
What else is out there?Exactly! Cong Weldon is leading the charge on this one and Secretary Lehman is right there from what I heard yesterday. Would love to find out just who was briefed.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:29:07 AM PDT
(AOII Mom -- J.C. for OK Governor in '06; Allen/Watts in 2008)
To: YaYa123
Time for a Commission to investigate the Commission.
Chairman - Karl Rove !!!
posted on
08/11/2005 6:29:13 AM PDT
To: tiki
As much as I respect President Bush it is time for conservatives to insist that his administration put aside the 'new tone' thing and demand that the Able Danger/9-11 Commission connection be fully explored. It is worth the public humiliation of the man from Hope and his underlings, Gorelick and Berger, to fully highlight Democrat incompetence and deceit in crucial national security matters.
To: YaYa123
Hell, I'm still waiting for the MSM to admit it was the Clinton administration not the Bush administration that did not go after Atta.
Won't hold my breath.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:30:27 AM PDT
("Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work - Edison)
To: PhiKapMom
Berger's sentencing was delayed??
posted on
08/11/2005 6:30:45 AM PDT
To: tiki
And while the Clinton policy of enforcing a quarantine between law enforcement and intelligence operations came under general criticism, their report never included the fact that the "wall" for which Commission member Jamie S. Gorelick had so much responsibility specifically contributed to Atta's ability to come and go as he pleased, building the teams that would kill almost 3,000 Americans.Hmmm...something about Chicken and roosting...Eh, Democrats?
posted on
08/11/2005 6:31:00 AM PDT
(Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you :^)
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