Having witnessed the fawning one-sided coverage from the media, the Vultures of Code Pink smell opportunity, weakness and publicity - so they are swooping in to make their mark in the Cindy Sheehan stalking of the president.
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To: tgslTakoma
Go, go, Cindy! Dance on those graves, baby! Dance, Cindy, dance!
I hope these people aren't actually foolish enough to go through with their hunger strike. It's a world-class loser who attempts to hijack our foreign policy by starving himself.
To: tgslTakoma
"CODEPINK Stands With Mother of Fallen Soldier"
I wonder why her husband isn't standing with her. All the pictures and sound bites I've seen have her standing alone.
He was there, too, and he had very nice things to say about the President in an article published two weeks after the fact.
43 posted on
08/07/2005 5:27:22 PM PDT by
To: tgslTakoma
Ah. The smell of a liberal standing on a fresh grave is much like the smell of a petulant moral windbag standing on a fresh corpse.
To: tgslTakoma
I can not believe that a mother could not put her personal agenda aside, or her desire for the limelight- to show some respect for her own child's patriotism.
To: tgslTakoma
I would like to meet and shake the hand of the guy who forced them into the ditch with the Fire Ants.
To: tgslTakoma
Drudge currently headlines the story of her "conversion" from honoring her son's sacrifice to joining with Code Pink and ANSWER in demonizing the President and the US for actions in Iraq and the WOT.
To: tgslTakoma
Is this one of those "Al Sharpton Hunger Strikes" when one gains weight?
58 posted on
08/08/2005 8:21:26 AM PDT by
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