BC would make a good 51st state.
I got my MBA from the University of Toronto in 1991. But the leftist attitude so permeated the city at that time that I wanted to leave, never to return...even though I did not really understand that the bad attitude was "leftist." I did not really understand that it was anti-American in Toronto so much as anti-white-male. I live in Moscow, Russia now. This is a pro-American environment and a pro-male environment. I consider both of these as essential elements that Toronto did not have.
Here in Florida we get an invasion of Canadians late in the fall and they stay till after Easter.
Though they are kinda cheap because their dollar is worth about 80% of our dollar and they can't buy as much and they tip poorly, they for the most part are really pleasant.
That is except for the french canadians. They smell and are way snotty. Cheap is a way of life as is rudness.I'd rather have illegal Guatamalans that work,mind their own business and are polite as can be then have legal french canadians.
Coming from MIT's security studies group, it [the article] will be semi-official.... Which is almost as bad as being on "double-secret probation."
So Canada provided a refuge for American draft dodgers during the Vietnam War. Much like Northern states once provided a refuge for slaves. Conscription and slavery: the difference is...?
This shows that the time has come for Americans "to give Canada some attention and a bit of a warning." Damn! Just as I was getting pumped for our invasion of Iran.
Ted Byfield published a weekly news magazine... And judging from the ideas expressed in these articles, he & Sapolsky cook a wicked batch of meth.
Canadians make the best beer in North America. And I find that rural Canucks are a hearty and friendly bunch. But something needs to be done about CBC. Talk about a liberal sewer...It's wall to wall lies and propaganda that rivals the old Pravda.
If someone were to start up a Radio Free Canada, he would make millions.
The problem with Ottawa is their anti-American, anti-western, hateful leftist views.
This will have an enormous cost (or benefit).
1) Liberals out of power, with support limited to urban pockets.
2) Quebec separation, as the Conservatives will be in power with virtually no support in that socialist province.
I'm sure that we are not the only American Family which considers the Canadians to be French Lite. We buy nothing from Canada and will not go there for vacations.
Very timely article, interesting reading. Canada had better wake up.
British Canada was a stand-up ally.
Now it's controlled by the French Canadians and everything that goes with being French.