1 posted on
08/05/2005 12:06:47 AM PDT by
F14 Pilot
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To: DoctorZIn; McGavin999; freedom44; nuconvert; sionnsar; AdmSmith; parisa; onyx; Pro-Bush; Valin; ...
2 posted on
08/05/2005 12:11:05 AM PDT by
F14 Pilot
(Democracy is a process not a product)
To: F14 Pilot
They [Islamist radicals or, as Hitchens calls them, Islamo-fascists]Cute, very cute.
Hitchens, whether I agree with him or not, always gives me something to think about. That above bit shows the interviewer just can't resist inserting a little editorial comment.
3 posted on
08/05/2005 12:16:56 AM PDT by
("The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they'll be when you kill them."-Wm. Clayton)
To: F14 Pilot; Jim Robinson; Travis McGee; JohnHuang2
Sorry Chris, but it will not collapse.
It has become ingrained in the schools, colleges, media and politics. It is deeply imbedded into the government bureaucracy no matter who is elected. This battle is one that will not end in the lifetimes of our grandkids.
The false ideology of the left is one of lies, wrongness and unnaturalness. Everything that comes from this base is corrupted. Its tentacles reach deeply into every walk of life. It dominates the Corporations, see who they donate money to: leftist groups.
The Cult of the Artificial has a vast army, supported by the academics and media. America is being brainwashed by schools and by the media on an hourly basis. The vast majority still get their news from the leftists. Their knowledge of reality from history books in school to major motion pictures has presented a slanted view of everything.
Everything from not believing in free enterprise- they believe in an artificial economy. To families, they believe in an artificial family defined and redefined at their whim.
No Chris, I love ya MAN, but the left is not going to 'collapse' ever. It will have to be killed, it will have to be fought and slaughtered every day and every hour of our lives. Our children's lives if we impart upon them to live in the real world where 2+2 is 4, where water is wet and the fact that there are good guys and bad guys with no moral equivalence.
Never stop fighting.
4 posted on
08/05/2005 12:18:32 AM PDT by
(Leftism is the Cult of the Artificial)
To: F14 Pilot
"people like Michael Moore, who makes a perfectly good brownshirt [fascist]" Good one
6 posted on
08/05/2005 12:28:37 AM PDT by
To: F14 Pilot
They [Islamist radicals or, as Hitchens calls them, Islamo-fascists] gave us no peace and we shouldnt give them any. We can't live on the same planet as them and I'm glad because I dont want to. I dont want to breathe the same air as these psychopaths and murders and rapists and torturers and child abusers. Its them or me. I'm very happy about this because I know it will be them. Its a duty and a responsibility to defeat them. But it's also a pleasure. I dont regard it as a grim task at all. This last paragraph was great.
7 posted on
08/05/2005 12:43:02 AM PDT by
("You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred")
To: F14 Pilot
America's leading leftist intellectuals... Is this species extinct?
11 posted on
08/05/2005 1:09:18 AM PDT by
To: F14 Pilot
Q - ... In our day, can a politician rule by principle? A - It depends on what the principle is. If the principle is that all men are equal or created equal, I dont think its possible to observe that principle in practice. But if the principle is, say, something cruder such as: can we coexist with aggressive internationalist totalitarian ideologies, then I think you not only can but you should act consistently against that. Never mind the principles for one minute, but the lesson of realism is: that if you dont fight them now you fight them later.
Hitchens says this after earlier having expressed his considered opinion that "the Vietnam war was a war of aggression and atrocity and racism." But the politicians (most of them, anyway) who took us into the Vietnam war were of the sincere belief that they were attempting to block the further expansion of an undeniably "aggressive internationalist totalitarian" ideology, to wit, Communism. I wonder how Hitchens reconciles his adamant opposition, even in retrospect, to the Vietnam war, with his adamant support of the current war against islamo-fasicism? He ought to be feeling a bit of cognitive dissonance, at the very least. Perhaps it's just too difficult for him call into question the grounds for a sigificant portion of his intellectual development.
To: F14 Pilot
I'm reading Hitchen's book on Thomas Jefferson right now.
16 posted on
08/05/2005 1:45:15 AM PDT by
(Be a Good Mullah Now ...)
To: F14 Pilot
20 posted on
08/05/2005 2:29:33 AM PDT by
21 posted on
08/05/2005 2:38:13 AM PDT by
P H Lewis
(One of the fundamentals of democracy is knowing where to place your machine gun. - Foggy)
To: F14 Pilot
32 posted on
08/05/2005 6:59:26 AM PDT by
To: F14 Pilot
33 posted on
08/05/2005 7:01:55 AM PDT by
(Conservatives are from Earth. Liberals are from Uranus.(c))
To: F14 Pilot
They said at minimum we would witness another Vietnam, which is a pretty serious charge to make as someone who believes that then and now the Vietnam war was a war of aggression and atrocity and racism. Hitchens' eyes are still only half open -- he doesn't realize his fellow lefties lied about that too.
39 posted on
08/05/2005 7:44:17 AM PDT by
(Hey Lefties: Only 3 and 1/2 more years of W. Hehehehe....)
To: F14 Pilot
Hitchens is certainly smart enough to realize that the American left's greed-induced hatred of capitalism and its self-loathing guilt at being American are the factors that trump everything else. In any event, Hitchens certainly does not fit that mold, not at all. One thing Hitchens is NOT is a humorless malcontent.
To: F14 Pilot
Well, Phil Hendrie put it very much like Christopher Hitchens. The left claims they are against fascists, dicatators, religious zealots, bigots, and sexists. So here you have Islamo-fascists meeting every criteria and the left is sitting in a cafe, hating America.
51 posted on
08/05/2005 8:34:08 AM PDT by
(This space outsourced to India)
To: F14 Pilot
61 posted on
08/05/2005 9:35:20 AM PDT by
(Don't be a Freeploader. Do the right thing and become a Monthly Donor!)
To: F14 Pilot
The left was and still is blinded by their hate for Bush IMO. I have said many times, if Bush declared a war on hemorrhoids, every Democrat would want one.
63 posted on
08/05/2005 9:50:57 AM PDT by
(The true character of a man is revealed in what he does when no one is looking.)
To: F14 Pilot
67 posted on
08/05/2005 10:56:11 AM PDT by
processing please hold
(Islam and Christianity do not mix ----9-11 taught us that)
To: F14 Pilot
"The Democrat party truly is what some people crudely say: a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Israeli lobby. It is one thing it has never deviated on: that and abortion. The only two things the Democrats have never flip flopped about."
A remarkably straightforward statement.
One of the most interesting things about the last few years has been to see the real hatred so many on the Left have toward Israel and Jews in general. In essence, I think this means that the Dim party will be more resistant to the most radical Left elements. And this means that foreign policy radicals are less likely to influence Dim candidates in upcoming elections. Despite Dean's failed bid, the Left's power to dictate foreign policy positions to the Dims will increasingly fade. There will be no replay here of how, during the Vietnam era, the views of the Left on foreign policy became the voice of the Dim party for decades to come.
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