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English: The Language of White "Oppressors"-professor: Ebonics superior to tongue of White Devils
Frontpagemagazine/Discoverthe network ^ | 8-4-05 | Jacob Laksin

Posted on 08/04/2005 5:06:34 AM PDT by SJackson

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To: cyborg

"He said he changed his plans to take the course in the summer after finding out that Ms. Parmar was again teaching both sections of the required course."

If I still lived in Brooklyn (and didn't have a job), I would take her course over the summer. It would be trememdous fun to challenge her every assertion and bigoted remark without fear of retribution. I predict that she would have a mental breakdown within 2 weeks.

BTW, Brooklyn College used to be a very respectable school with an excellemt reputation. I am sorry to hear it has gone so downhill.

101 posted on 08/04/2005 6:37:10 AM PDT by BadAndy (Specializing in unnecessarily harsh comments.)
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To: SJackson

"Rap music causes moral panic in many because of its 'threat' to existing values and ideologies held by the dominant middle class," asserts Parmar."

Does she mean integrity, raising your kids to know and practice right from wrong, that stealing something that doesn't belong to you is wrong, to respect yourself and others, to work for a living? Those kind of values and ideologies? I should hop it causes a panic. This bitch needs a good smack.

102 posted on 08/04/2005 6:37:13 AM PDT by SFC MAC (SFC McElroy, US ARMY)
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To: bobjam
They had better not complain when their ebonics speaking kids have a hard time breaking into the professional world.

True; outside of the rap "music" industry and personal service jobs in minority dominated markets, how would this help them?

103 posted on 08/04/2005 6:37:31 AM PDT by JimRed ("Hey, hey, Teddy K., how many girls did you drown today?")
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To: Tax-chick
Of course it is, in elevated circles such as academia. Has been for 15 or 20 years.

Of course... what I have been thinking!

104 posted on 08/04/2005 6:42:06 AM PDT by Northern Yankee (Freedom Needs A Soldier)
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To: steveegg
At the risk of being offered tons of tin foil, it sure sounds like that's the entire plan.

You won't get any argument from me. Parents have been trying to keep their kids down on the farm since the first cave-man family discovered there was another cave-man family that lived on the other side of the hill. Ebonics is a tool used to limit the options of the younger generation to keep them from assimilating into "white" culture. It is child abuse, plain and simple.

105 posted on 08/04/2005 6:43:00 AM PDT by gridlock (ELIMINATE PERVERSE INCENTIVES)
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To: ItsOurTimeNow
Our contemporary English can't hold a candle to the sheer music of their speech.

I know what you mean. But the fact is, they were not very economical with language. That was OK, back when there was nothing to do but farm and read.

But 17th and 18th century English is much too cumbersome a vehicle for communication in the modern, content-heavy high speed world.

When I was an English major in college, I took a course in 18th century English literature. I fell in love with the majesty of the language, and used to amuse myself by emulating the style.

AS a lark, I once left someone a four page note in 12 point type, the basic message of which was that I would be back in my room in ten minutes. It was a hoot. But I'm glad we don't speak like that anymore. That said, I'll begin to consider Ebonics a legitimate language when someone is ablt to provide an Ebonics translation of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

106 posted on 08/04/2005 6:43:37 AM PDT by Maceman (Pro Se Defendant from Hell)
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To: BadAndy

Great minds... I was thinking of doing the same thing. I just got a job though *lol* I used to fear people like her but not anymore. Schadenfreude is good for you.

107 posted on 08/04/2005 6:44:44 AM PDT by cyborg (Karma can be a cruel taskmaster or a bearer of blessings.)
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To: Calpernia

Hee Hee!...

108 posted on 08/04/2005 6:47:58 AM PDT by mylife (The roar of the masses could be farts)
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To: Maceman

When in da Course o' human events it becomes necessary fo' one peeps ta dissolve da political bands which gots connected dem wiff another an' ta assume among da powers o' da earth, da separate an' equal station ta which da Laws o' Nature an' o' Nature'sGod entitle dem, uh decent respect ta da opinions o' mankind requires dat dey should declare da causes which impel dem ta da separation.

We hold deez truths ta be self-evident, dat all men iz created equal, dat dey iz endowed by they Creator wiff certain unalienable Rights, dat among deez iz Life, Liberty an' da pursuit o' Happiness. --That ta secure deez rights, Governments iz instituted among Men, deriving they just powers from da consent o' da governed, --That whenever any Form o' Government becomes destructive o' deez ends, it iz da Right o' da People ta alter or ta abolish it, an' ta institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles an' organizing its powers in such form, as ta dem shall seem most likely ta effect they Safety an' Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate dat Governments long established should not be changed fo' light an' transient causes; an' accordingly all experience hath shewn dat mankind iz mo' disposed ta suffer, while evils iz sufferable than ta right themselves by abolishing da forms ta which dey iz accustomed. But when uh long train o' abuses an' usurpations, pursuing invariably da same Object evinces uh design ta reduce dem under absolute Despotism, it iz they right, it iz they duty, ta throw off such Government, an' ta provide new Guards fo' they future security. --Such has been da patient sufferance o' deez Colonies; an' such iz now da necessity which constrains dem ta alter they former Systems o' Government. The history o' da present King o' Great Britain iz uh history o' repeated injuries an' usurpations, all havin' in direct object da establishment o' an absolute Tyranny over deez States. To prove dis here, let Facts be submitted ta uh candid world.

He has refuted his Assent ta Laws, da most wholesome an' necessary fo' da public pimp-tight.

He has forbidden his Governors ta pass Laws o' immediate an' pressing importance, unless suspended in they operation till his Assent should be obtained; an' when so suspended, he has utterly neglected ta attend ta dem.

He has refused ta pass other Laws fo' da accommodation o' large districts o' peeps, unless those peeps would relinquish da right o' Representation in da Legislature, uh right inestimable ta dem an' formidable ta tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, an' distant from da depository o' they Public Records, fo' da sole purpose o' fatiguing dem into compliance wiff his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, fo' opposing wiff manly firmness his invasions on da rights o' da peeps.

He has refused fo' uh long tyme, afta such dissolutions, ta cause others ta be elected, whereby da Legislative Powers, incapable o' Annihilation, gots returned ta da People at large fo' they exercise; da State remaining in da mean tyme exposed ta all da dangers o' invasion from without, an' convulsions within.

He has endeavoured ta prevent da population o' deez States; fo' dat purpose obstructing da Laws fo' Naturalization o' Foreigners; refusing ta pass others ta encourage they migrations hither, an' raising da conditions o' new Appropriations o' Lands.

He has obstructed da Administration o' Justice by refusing his Assent ta Laws fo' establishing Judiciary Powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone fo' da tenure o' they offices, an' da amount an' payment o' they salaries.

He has erected uh multitude o' New Offices, an' sent hither swarms o' Officers ta harass our peeps an' eat out they substance.

He has kept among us, in times o' peace, Standing Armies without da Consent o' our legislatures.

He has affected ta render da Military independent o' an' superior ta da Civil Power.

He has combined wiff others ta subject us ta uh jurisdiction foreign ta our constitution, an' unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent ta they Acts o' pretended Legislation:

For quartering large bodies o' armed troops among us:

For protecting dem, by uh mock Trial from punishment fo' any Murders which dey should commit on da Inhabitants o' deez States:

For cutting off our Trade wiff all parts o' da world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, o' da benefit o' Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas ta be tried fo' pretended offences:

For abolishing da free System o' English Laws in uh neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary da system, an' enlarging its Boundaries so as ta render it at once an example an' fit instrument fo' introducing da same absolute rule into deez Colonies

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws an' altering fundamentally da Forms o' our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, an' declaring themselves invested wiff power ta legislate fo' us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out o' his Protection an' waging War against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts burnt our towns, an' destroyed da lives o' our peeps.

He iz at dis here tyme transporting large Armies o' foreign Mercenaries ta compleat da werkz o' death, desolation, an' tyranny, already begun wiff circumstances o' Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in da most barbarous ages, an' totally unworthy da Head o' uh civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on da high Seas ta bear Arms against they Country, ta become da executioners o' they niggas an' Brethren, or ta fall themselves by they Hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, an' has endeavoured ta bring on da inhabitants o' our frontiers, da merciless Indian Savages whose known rule o' warfare, iz an undistinguished destruction o' all ages, sexes an' conditions.

In every stage o' deez Oppressions We gots Petitioned fo' Redress in da most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions gots been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character iz thus marked by every act which may define uh Tyrant, iz unfit ta be da ruler o' uh free peeps.

Nor gots We been wanting in attentions ta our British brethren. We gots warned dem from tyme ta tyme o' attempts by they legislature ta extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We gots reminded dem o' da circumstances o' our emigration an' settlement here. We gots appealed ta they native justice an' magnanimity, an' we's gots conjured dem by da ties o' our common kindred. ta disavow deez usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections an' correspondence. They too gots been deaf ta da voice o' justice an' o' consanguinity. We mus', therefore, acquiesce in da necessity, which denounces our Separation, an' hold dem, as we's hold da rest o' mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, da Representatives o' da United States o' America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing ta da Supreme Judge o' da world fo' da rectitude o' our intentions, do, in da Name, an' by Authority o' da pimp-tight People o' deez Colonies, solemnly publish an' declare, That deez United Colonies iz, an' o' Right ought ta be Free an' Independent States, dat dey iz Absolved from all Allegiance ta da British Crown, an' dat all political connection between dem an' da State o' Great Britain, iz an' ought ta be totally dissolved; an' dat as Free an' Independent States, dey gots full Power ta levy War, conclude Peace contract Alliances, establish Commerce, an' ta do all other Acts an' Things which Independent States may o' right do. --And fo' da support o' dis here Declaration, wiff uh firm reliance on da protection o' Divine Providence, we's mutually pledge ta each other our Lives, our Fortunes an' our sacred Honor.

Ya' dig?

109 posted on 08/04/2005 6:49:08 AM PDT by BraveMan
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To: SJackson
"Rap music causes moral panic in many because of its 'threat' to existing values and ideologies held by the dominant middle class," asserts Parmar."

Oh please...

I've saved this rant for just this kind of thread.

Rap is nothing more, or less, than another symptom of the decay and rot of what was once our society. This putrefacted schtick, sold in the name of "art", or, worse still, "music" (!!!???), is the result of a lazy, wanton, slovenly and untalented sub-group of our population who, having completely lost any true moral, meaningful, or substantive core to which they might cling, have decided to just make hateful, ignorant gibberish noises simply because they can, and because, for some inexplicable reason, another tragic subset of the idiot public pays good money to suck it up.

The racist components of "diversity" and "tolerance," while serving the rabid socialists well is also a core component of the failure of the public school system in teaching minorities. Rather than challenging them to become an integrated part of the most successful capitalist republic in the history of the world, they teach "diversity" to keep them in the ghettos, slums, and inner cities. Rather than challenging these minorities to rise up, integrate, and reach for the brass ring, "diversity" teaches them that it's okay to be a "gangsta" and "live in the hood" or to speak something other than English as a primary language.

There...I feel better. How's that for clear, proper, and higher than forth grade english.

110 posted on 08/04/2005 6:49:13 AM PDT by BureaucratusMaximus (The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level.)
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To: cyborg
From the link:

In fact, SoundScan, a company that tracks retail sales, found that in 2001 more than 70 percent of rap consumers were white suburban youth and of that percentage, 80 percent were white females.

Hmm. Don't she mean white devils and white she-devils???

Amazing how concise an English she can use when she wants to. Wonder if she's teaching this language to her students.

Other than that, OUCH on the statistic.

111 posted on 08/04/2005 6:50:04 AM PDT by America's Resolve (Liberal Democrats are liars, cheats and thieves with no morals, scruples, ethics or honor!)
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I would like to know what the hell his PhD. committee was thinking when they approved his subject for that disssertation and who his major professor in charge of his project was. And what the hell kind of college or university gives a PhD in Rap? I would have loved to sit in on his oral examination. Airplane.

112 posted on 08/04/2005 6:51:16 AM PDT by Texas Songwriter
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To: SJackson

Is that where Vinny Gambinni got his law degree from?

113 posted on 08/04/2005 6:52:09 AM PDT by Texas Songwriter
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To: SJackson
To insist on grammatical English, Parmar believes, is to exhibit an intolerable form of cultural chauvinism

I notice that she uses proper English in her writing. If it is wrong to use proper English why doesn't she write in ebonics? Hypocrite.

114 posted on 08/04/2005 6:53:20 AM PDT by wysiwyg (What parts of "right of the people" and "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?)
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To: BraveMan

Yes. I did the same thing. I'm not impressed. Dropping a few "g"s and exchanging "the" for "da" does NOT Ebonics make.

There is not one slang term in there at all.

115 posted on 08/04/2005 6:54:10 AM PDT by Maceman (Pro Se Defendant from Hell)
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To: SJackson


116 posted on 08/04/2005 6:55:32 AM PDT by AliVeritas (Ignorance is a condition. Stupidity is a strategy.)
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To: BraveMan

That was hilarious~!

117 posted on 08/04/2005 6:57:00 AM PDT by mylife (The roar of the masses could be farts)
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To: BureaucratusMaximus
....they teach "diversity" to keep them in the ghettos, slums, and inner cities plantation.
118 posted on 08/04/2005 6:57:52 AM PDT by yankeedame ("Oh, I can take it but I'd much rather dish it out.")
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To: muawiyah

Yeah, can't wait till they try to pass an entrance exam into a university or argue their case for a job. "Yo, Homi, I iz be edumicated to the Nth. So sit your azz down and ax me a question, biatch."

119 posted on 08/04/2005 7:03:37 AM PDT by jb6 ( Free Haghai Sophia! Crusade!)
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To: Hemingway's Ghost
Did he write his Ph.D. "dissertation" on KRS-ONE in Ebonics? If no, then he's full of sh*t.


Maybe we should put that to a rap beat!

120 posted on 08/04/2005 7:05:50 AM PDT by Northern Yankee (Freedom Needs A Soldier)
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