Rottweilers have a known trait that make them snap without and reason or rhyme.
Obedient Rottweilers, "Oh that was the nicest dog, I can't believe he would have done anything like this" have killed hundreds of children over the past decade.. How many more toddlers have to die before you Rottweiler sycophants realize that we shouldn't be domesticating these beasts?
Funny that my friend has had 3 and never had one incident with any of them.
"Rottweilers have a known trait that make them snap without and reason or rhyme.
Do you drive a compact car? Compact cars are far more dangerous than even the most dangerous untrained Rottweiler. Do you know an accident in a compact car can happen anytime without any rhyme or reason?
I suggest you get to know more about Rottweillers since you are so passionate about exterminating them. Try visting your local chapter of the American Rottweiler Club http://www.amrottclub.org/...spend some time with the dogs and their owners. You may be surprised.
Really, how about a little something to back that up with, hmm? Link?
...Rottweilers have a known trait that make them snap without and reason or rhyme....
You are projecting, nutcase.
Maybe you meant "injured". Rottweilers have killed about two dozen people over the past two decades, the report http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/duip/dogbreeds.pdf doesn't say how many were children, but for dog attacks in general it was about 70%.