I haven't actually checked my policy, but as far as I know there is no "hurricane" coverage per se. I'd have it if there were, I guarantee!
What we do have is "windstorm". That can cover hurricanes, tornadoes, etc...
I'm sure the risk of damage from "windstorm" is factored into the pricing of the policy, but the only real difference from the policyholder's POV is in the deductible. My normal loss deductible is at $500.00; while my "windstorm" deductible is $3000.00!!
I don't think the insurance companies care if it was a "named storm" or not or what the classification is. If you have wind damage, the windstorm deductible applies.
What really sucked last year was those folks who had several hits last year sometimes ended up paying multiple deductibles because each storm was considered a separate loss. This makes logical sense, but what a nightmare! I would have had to pay $9000.00 if I had damage from each storm!
marking spot
Thanks - your experience mirrors earthquake insurance out here. If an aftershock gets deemed a "separate occurence", you're SOL and your deductible starts all over again.