Posted on 07/01/2005 12:09:52 AM PDT by Mia T
Woman Is Stabbed to Death Near Busy Westchester Mall
Published: June 30, 2005
WHITE PLAINS, June 29 - A 56-year-old woman was stabbed to death at lunchtime on Wednesday in a parking garage here next to a busy shopping mall, and the police were questioning a convicted sex offender whom they picked up a few blocks from the scene.
The killing in the downtown shopping district stunned people in this relatively safe city, whose leaders boasted this year that 2004 was the first year in more than a decade without a single homicide. And it prompted Westchester County officials to renew their calls for a state civil commitment law for violent sexual predators....
The suspect, whose name was not released, had been using a homeless drop-in center at the Westchester County Airport, according to county officials. In April, he was kicked out of a more permanent homeless shelter, where he was a resident for two years, after "having difficulty conforming" with the program and refusing a mental health evaluation....
In recent weeks, debate has centered on the issue of where to house homeless Level 3 sex offenders....
But Ms. Tolchin, the county executive's spokeswoman, said the problem was not the homeless shelters, but the lack of laws to protect residents against the 80 Level 3 sex offenders living in the county. In recent months, both Mr. Spano and the Westchester County district attorney, Jeanine F. Pirro, have called on the state to pass a so-called civil commitment law, which is now in place in more than a dozen states. Under the law, violent sexual predators face indefinite confinement in a psychiatric institution after completing their prison sentences....
Hillary vs. Jeanine?
clinton agitprop machine censors truth about hillary
hillary clinton: ABUSER, NOT VICTIM
retrograde feminist fraud positions herself as victim (again) in order to win White House
differential reaction to the two rape charges snares the clintons
1st Feminist Prez Impeached
(clinton, pushed by the "smartest woman in the world," managed to impeach himself)
"the smartest woman in the world" sought less competitive venue
THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 3
THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 2
I still think the roots of her paranoia and anger go back to her childhood when her father on her fifth birthday gave her a toaster and a radio as bath toys.
That had to be a bummer.
Hillary has a boatload of 'head' problems.
And she has ZERO room for ethical or moral thoughts.
She takes the powerlust 'blinded by ambition' scenario to new heights of revulsion.
Her latest with service recruitment is enough to enlighten and warn even the slowest of the slow of the dark mass of her dead thinking. Is there anyone in America who hates this country more than this piece of solid, rock hard ambition devoid of humanity?
Just when you think this failed human being can go no find her on the race track attempting to take us further down the road to ruin.
Mai T--------It is great to meet a new character (Jeanine) and freaky to have to spend anytime tracking the obscene actions of sick puppy.
A Fine Post on a "4th of July Weekend" BUMP!
Regarding missus clinton's profound dysfunction, her textbook case of paranoia and megalomania are fast becoming impossible to conceal... even from the most casual observer. And this is the case less because of the Klein book than because of hillary clinton's realtime reaction to it.
Old media have two choices--continue to play the access-journalism game and feed their own increasing irrelevance ... or band together to resist this sick, dangerous... person, end their 4th-estate malfeasance and protect the country from a second and likely fatal assault from this inept, corrupt, ruthless pair of egomaniacal demagogues. Hillary clinton needs old media more than old media need hillary clinton. |
Leni Riefenstahl was the film genius who outmaneuvered propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels to chronicle Hitler's 1934 Nuremberg rallies in perhaps the most notorious documentary ever filmed, Triumph of the Will. For sheer power, reach, and ruthlessness, however, the fascist Riefenstahl operation doesn't hold a candle to the Clinton agitprop machine... Whereas Leni Riefenstahl symbolizes the naïve actress and director who is induced to deal with devils, Hillary Clinton is actor, director and--many would argue--devil, rolled into one willful, corrupt, vengeful, despotic, paranoic package. And so we have today... here in America... in America!... Hillary Clinton and her media apparatchiks conducting a campaign of censorship-by-terror that is without precedent; without precedent even if we include in the calculus the despotic Clinton years.... Mia T, 6.27.05 |
BUT, I must always ask ............... what percentage of the American voters will ever find out about this behavior before Nov. 2008?????
I'd say (at the most) about 15 to 20 percent......... and that is NOT enough!!
I suspect the problem to overcome is less knowledge than concern. Most people are too comfortable, too into themselves, too uneducated, to care one whit about hillary clinton's fascistic proclivities.
I think the danger of clinton has to be framed differently. How many people do you know who would hire a nanny who also happens to be a rapist, never mind a serial one?
Which she is.
There is SUCH a connection between hitlery and Marxist ideology, disregard for our constitution and a creepy dislike of America not to mention a deep and overwhelming abuse of governmental agencies and the most prominent members of the old guard press.
She is truly dangerous.
One senses, or at least I sense, the deep bitterness and anger swarming in this heinous woman...and I do not for one second consider her smart. Crafty? Yes. All one has to do is study her massive health care plan to understand her stupidity, her disregard for freedom of choice, her amazing hatred of physicians, her willingness to abuse the law while designing that socialist piece of crap legislation and to READ the comments of some of the people who were a part of that debacle.
This woman has NO BUSINESS any where NEAR policy making. She is inept, authoritative, devious, without understanding and fully Marxist.
I have never equated intellectual acumen with those who walk without a moral and ethical compass. Hitler, a brilliant orator, motivator and coordinator could be called brilliant. Saddam had his moments. Throughout history there are personalities who could be called brilliant but who lacked a moral and ethical compass, all were working out personal neurosis of one kind or another, as are, I believe, the clintons (and dean, and gore, and mccain and others where one senses that seething anger underneath the just creeps out...ALL neurotics and worse are quick to anger...always)
Intelligence, to me, involves so much more than the use of fancy words, ambiguous speak designed to avoid accountability for any one stance, and moving in the 'right' progressive circles wherein style over substance reigns. Not unlike those late night college confabs where problems were always solved by 'hand-outs ' rather' then 'hands-up'. Remember those days? LOL! It seems that today's so called progressives are stuck in that mentality, devoid of that deep need for individual responsibility and accountability most grow into as they mature.
Hillary hits me as immensely immature...which she attempts to cover up with an authoritative edge that I find repulsive. Ever known of anything this heinous woman took responsibility for, or stood up to and publicly responded to, without BLAMING someone else.?
Sociopaths and psychopaths can be exceedingly brilliant in the 'crafty' sort of way, but they lack ethical and moral compasses. These diseased souls are never at fault; they are unable to drum up any guilt as they lack consciences and never respond to direct questions with honest answers.
Hillary reflects does her husband.
Two 'crafty' people, followed everywhere they go by a very real shadow of destruction and cover-up, of rape, death, destroyed lives and immense greed.
Well Mia...I am rambling this morning...I guess your post on this heinous character got to me this A.M.
Forgive moi! LOL! And don't ever stop with your chronicaling of these dangerous people! It is AMAZING and IMPORTANT....her words are going to be the BEST WEAPON WE HAVE AGAINST HER. No doubt! I imagine many feel themselves revving up and preparing should this creep make an attempt to regain our White House. We are NOT going to lose it again to these folks who SOLD it, ABUSED it, TRASHED it and MOCKED it for a piece of silver.
What a witch. I am so sorry she is in our senate and busy scaring all of her fellow colleagues, on both sides of the line, into blobs of paralysis.
So well put and insightfu! thanx.l Regarding her intelligence, I, too, have seen no evidence of it. I've seen plenty of evidence to support a middling, unoriginal, plodding (if profoundly dysfunctional) mind. This retrograde fraud has advanced purely by zipper-hoisting and terror. "My two cents' worth--and I think it is the two cents' worth of everybody who worked for the Clinton Administration health care reform effort of 1993-1994--is that Hillary Rodham Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House for the rest of her life. Heading up health-care reform was the only major administrative job she has ever tried to do. And she was a complete flop at it. She had neither the grasp of policy substance, the managerial skills, nor the political smarts to do the job she was then given. And she wasn't smart enough to realize that she was in over her head and had to get out of the Health Care Czar role quickly.... there is no reason to think that she would be anything but an abysmal president" J. Bradford DeLong |
"the smartest woman in the world" sought less competitive venue
1st Feminist Prez Impeached
(clinton, pushed by the "smartest woman in the world," managed to impeach himself)
regarding line one, switch the '!' and the "l" (how did I do that?) LOL
for you ;)
I have ALWAYS remembered that quote by Professor DeLong you posted above, since the first time I read it on one of your is damning.
And was stated by a member of the clinton terms of the health care debacle, at any rate.
This particular quote impacts me more than any other when I consider the ramifications of this creep sitting in our oval office.
But it is her entire history of abuse of people around her that scares me the most...this woman would be genuinely dangerous in our White House. She destroys those who disagree with her, anyway she is able.
They can have NO knowledge if they don't have any concern? They have no concern for the most part. The old media will not offer up the truth, and it's still true that most Americans are influenced by the old lying/socialist/Dem. media!
The point is............. and I know that you know it............ the old liberal media is going to frame Hillary as one of the most decent and kind and concerned women in the world.
It will be VERY difficult to beat that.
Americans are, for the most part, political idiots! And that is the way they will mostly stay through November 0f 2008.
Check out "Jaywalking" on the Tonight Show (Leno). Then you will see what the task is that is ahead.
I see 'The Beast' as PREZ as things are now.
Let's see if Jeanine takes on Hillary over the rapist husband issue. I doubt it.
Because Jeanine's championing of the abused woman approaches iconic status, she doesn't have to mention the clinton rapes explicitly. Her mere presence reminds the voter. And voters ignorant of the facts will surely be filled in by Jeanine's surrogates, the new media and the clintons' many victims. Principled feminists will take note and not find it difficult at all to vote for Jeanine.
As you, especially, well know, missus clinton was and is her rapist-husband's co-conspirator. Jeanine's fight must be with the missus.
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