Gosh how big of NBC! What great programming will Pres. Bush interupt Fear Factor or some other idiotic show?!
Fox isn't carrying the President's Speech?
The End Times are indeed upon us.
I'm glad NBC recognizes the importance of this matter. Thanks.
I'm somewhat surprised the MSM isn't totally blacking it out-they know people like him when they see him.
Good of them....considering we are a nation at war. Though I suspect they are only doing the "set him up to shoot him down" game. Just watch the "commentary" afterwards.....
This shouldn't even be news...all the networks should back up and let him speak. This is important.
I think it would be great if Bush spoke more often as well. Keep reminding the American public how important it is to remain vigilant.
A co-worker and I were speaking to this subject at lunch...
Clinton was given so much more press coverage, most of it positive, when that buffoon was in office.
And, it's not that Bush isn't speaking anywhere...he is. The alphabet soup media just doesn't want to cover him...it appears it would be counter to their agenda.
And then they (Alphabet soup networks) run their own polls detailing how Bush has lost popularity...seems they're only reporting a story of their own construction and intent.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Amazing. That's one for the record book.
All 3 Networks will now carry the speech live - NBC was simply the last to announce. The White House can, if it deems necessary, demand airtime (but that is rarely done).
"NBC changes schedule to accomodate President and the Democrats' rebuttal"
Will the Dim's get to do a rebuttal?
They probably have Kerry on afterwards for analysis.
How "fair and balanced" of them......Ratings, anyone?