The security guard will make an EXCELLENT witness and given what he just said, I'm astounded the father was released from jail. Just astounded.
They found a judge who would release PvdS. They are protecting the criminal rather than find the truth.
Yep, I'm more irate than astounded. If that island is anything like the Cayman's the race card was played by JVDS & family when they fingered the 2 black security guards. What I am trying to say, is that the word of the security guard doesn't carry as much weight for two reasons: "told to him by depok, and he's a foreign born (Grenada) black."
Don't be. Juran's Godfather is one of the lead "investigators". PVDS admitted he was "friends" with the Aruban authorities. So did his wife when she said she couldn't believe they arrested her husband, the judge.
This is the first time John has stated the inclusion of the VDS family. In other statements this was not made, so I am not sure if he has informed LE of this or not.
And to think about it if he (John) had of stated this while in custody he may not have ever seen the light of day.
I just got home from VBS and I don't have time to get totaly caught up (have to help my daughter pack since they're moving this weekend). Would you please tell me what the security guard said?