Posted on 06/19/2005 3:30:02 AM PDT by billorites
AMONG those call for the closing of our Guantanamo Bay facilities where terrorist suspects are confined is U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy. Critics contend "Gitmo" embarrasses the U.S. in world opinion and makes some Muslims hate us.
Teddy Kennedy, of course, is the noted crime and war scholar, and Bay State swimmer, who has never damaged America's reputation abroad.
The United States is at war. Approximately 520 men from 40 countries are suspected, with good reason, of being enemy combatants in that war. By confining them, we are keeping them off the battlefield.
Indeed, the U.S. Attorney General has estimated that among those released from Guantanamo confinement, dozens have made their way back to the Middle East battlefield to fight or be killed.
As for the humane conditions of their confinement, exhaustive study by U.S. officials has turned up a literal handful of cases where the Muslim holy book, the Koran, has been apparently mishandled or mistreated by guards. There have also been cases where the book has been deliberately mistreated by prisoners.
Meanwhile, American and other prisoners of terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq are also poorly treated by having their heads severed from their bodies or being strung up and their corpses burned.
This incredible bleeding-heart concern for those set upon killing Americans, as well as blowing up themselves and their fellow Muslims, would have been laughed at in the days immediately following Sept. 11, 2001. So would the worries about the tough tactics needed to extract information from terrorists.
Americans must not forget and must not weaken their resolve. They surely don't need Teddy Kennedy as their moral conscience on the matter.
Close Gitmo and move these gentlemen to Hyannis. They can vote in the next election and since they will vote in Mass. they won't effect the Electoral College count.
How in the world is closing Gitmo going to make the Muslim's love us???????? Their whole purpose in life is to get rid of the the infidels.
Bump to keep this one on top.
Better yet, Kennedy can drive them around town.
Well put.
Rename GITMO, "Camp Binnie Laddie", so Kennedy will have an easier time spelling it?
the dems have reached the point that it is obvious that they want this country to lose the war on terrorism
i still cant figure out that they think they will benefit if this happens
What's with all those lefty links on the right side of the page??
It won't. But it will make Bush look bad which is the sole aim of the Democrats. They want their power back and don't care if they endanger the U.S. in the process. Miserable b^&*(%$#@s.
The Rats can't wait until there is another attack like 9/11 on this country but then it will be much worse. And you can be sure they will blame it on President Bush
if there is another terrorist attack all the rats in this country should be rounded up and interred like the japanese-americans were in wwII for the duration of the war on terrorism
Sad day for America but given the dems track record of the last 40 years in regards to communism not at all surprising.
How in the world is closing Gitmo going to make the Muslim's love us????????
My theory is that a majority of the 'terrorists' are basically thugs who would be breaking & entering & doing various other criminal mischief if they weren't off on jihad. Closing Gitmo & sending them back home would more than likely piss off the folks back in the neighborhood.
What would Fat Teddy say if some released terrorists blew up the Kennedy compound in Hyannis? Some fools don't get it until they're personally affected. (Then it's a whole 'nother ball game.)
I heard on the radio yesterday afternoon that we're building another big prison on Gitmo. No details, though.
Give swimming lessons.
Who would have thought it possible to embarrass a Kennedy?
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