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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Can someone please those Canadians about the virtues of sharing.
2 posted on
06/17/2005 11:19:09 AM PDT by
brooklyn dave
(Bring Down the Mullocracy in Iran)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
To: All
Ran with fact box "Why It Matters", which has been appendedto this story.I am not finding this item.
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Does this mean that I need to reset the declination adjustment on my watch?
6 posted on
06/17/2005 11:22:48 AM PDT by
(The best weapon to have in a gunfight is a shotgun - preferably from ambush.)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
magnetic "jerks"So Clintonesque
9 posted on
06/17/2005 11:24:52 AM PDT by
("He who is always looking up seldom finds others' lost change...")
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
I'm assuming that means the south magnetic pole is also on the move?
10 posted on
06/17/2005 11:24:53 AM PDT by
(I zot trolls for fun and profit.)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
I fear what this is going to do to the Canadians' paper-thin sense of self worth and their collective national insecurity.
12 posted on
06/17/2005 11:34:10 AM PDT by
(I'm sick and tired of being sicked and tired!)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
I've been thinking my house was rotating clockwise the last few years, this explains it.
13 posted on
06/17/2005 11:34:13 AM PDT by
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
A magnetic shift proably has more of an effect on the planet's climate than man made carbon waste.
14 posted on
06/17/2005 11:34:37 AM PDT by
(*tagline removed per request*)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
So like, COME BACK EH?
We have beer here in the Great White North eh?
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Magnetic pole shift bump
Art Bell, please pick up the red courtesy phone ;>)
18 posted on
06/17/2005 11:38:50 AM PDT by
( Craigellachie, Stand Fast!)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
You guys want an internal combusion engine, tax cuts, ban on federal funding for stem cells, and right-wing shift in the courts, and THIS is what you reap. Total, utter, Bush-wrought devastation.
Hope you're all happy now that the North Pole is going Commie.
21 posted on
06/17/2005 11:42:35 AM PDT by
(Islam is the virus that causes al-Qaeda.)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
The communists have stolen the North Pole!</tinfoil>
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
The Earth is round so it's all the same to me unless someone finds a sharp corner. I don't think the people on the other side of the Earth believe they're standing upside down no more than we do.
25 posted on
06/17/2005 11:52:17 AM PDT by
(My tagline is currently being blocked by Congressional filibuster for being to harsh.)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
The pole left because it's fleeing for a red state.
26 posted on
06/17/2005 11:54:26 AM PDT by
Ashamed Canadian
(America - please invade us now!)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
In 1904 it was measured just off the northern tip of Nunavut's King William Island by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, and since then has moved in a north to northwesterly direction at a stately 10 kilometres per year. This statement is arguably inaccurate, since most people assume direction to be based on magnetic north. Hence, any direction the Magnetic North might move in would be South.
If referenced to Geodedic North, it could be moving Northwesterly, getting closer to True North.
28 posted on
06/17/2005 11:56:13 AM PDT by
(The most abundant things in the universe are ignorance, stupidity and hydrogen)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
What do we suspect will happen when the poles reverse?
29 posted on
06/17/2005 11:56:17 AM PDT by
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Siberia: "All your North Poles are belong us"
37 posted on
06/17/2005 1:05:37 PM PDT by
(BALLISTIC CATHARSIS: perforating uncooperative objects with chunks of lead)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Moronic Canadians. The territorial limit from a nation's shore-line is still just 12 miles. The Exclusive Economic Zone is 200 miles. Trying to claim the North Pole by way of the 200 miles zone is truly moronic...
The North Pole belongs to no one...
38 posted on
06/17/2005 1:36:18 PM PDT by
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