Posted on 06/14/2005 7:37:16 PM PDT by DCBryan1
SHOCK: Suspended Kansas abortionist accused of eating fetuses... Developing...
Mark my words: NOW/NARAL/DUmmies will come to his defense. Feinstein and Boxer and Rangel and Schumer and Kerry will, through some sort of deviant logic, assert he was exercising his right to privacy.
The poet probably couldn't have envisioned perversities such as some of today's psychos have been performing.
lol... you beat me to it.
You're correct; either I missed the Drudge link or it wasn't posted at the time I looked at the page. Either way, it's up there now with a link to
That's a good question because cannibalism itself isn't illegal in the US, fwiw. To the extent that it's charged, the crime is actually whatever associated activity enabled the cannibalism, and it isn't clear in this instance that there was any criminal enabling behavior.
Just commenting on the legal aspects!
Aw sh_t. Something new for Fox's 23-hour freakshow...
(they only do about an hour total of 'real news' every day)
Another instance of USDA pro-choice...
Can we shoot this one?
I don't know, abortion is still legal in this country unfortunately.
Does human fetus taste like veal?
The charge would be abuse of a corpse which in most states is a class a or b misdemeanor.
This sounds like it's right out of a Dean Koontz novel.
I read the article. Beyond words...
Legally, it looks like they have plenty of grounds to convict him on unsanitary practices in a medical environment. And there are probably laws about disposing bodies properly.
But, no, there's no way he's going to get the death penalty for this since the right to abortion is sacred in the prevailing legal environment.
-- Joe
Sure thing. I thought after I posted that I might've come across snippy, but I was just trying to be helpful. I've noticed before that Drudge doesn't always do an automatic refresh, and sometimes acts funny even when you do click to refresh (maybe it's all the spyware).
The story itself isn't a big deal to me anyhow. It's certainly revolting but it signifies nothing more about the broader abortion debate than would a doctor eating excised organs signify anything about the ethics of surgery. I'm pro-life but I'm also pro-logic..
If true, it does signify that this abortionist is contemptible, however..
The doctor will be stripped of his license to practice, due to inadequate hygenic practices. More complete story here.
More or less establishes that the freak committed no prosecutable crime. Why would anybody ever think such a law was necessary...until now?
Reading the article, they may pin the charges of unsanitary work environment as well as proper disposal of the body to this crazed whacko infanticide doctor.
Soylent Green Alert
"Please move quickly to the nearest exit!"
"They do it in China as a regular practice;"
I'm working on a paper for school regarding: the placenta and what animals, humans included, do with the placenta after the birthing, why they do these things and what are the physiological results. In China, with the laws restricting family size and somewhat of a sexual revolution, there has been a huge growth in abortions. Prior to this, in many areas of China, eating the placenta was practiced as part ritual, part "health supplement." When all of these aborted fetuses started being "available", apparently, someone decided that if the placenta was good for you, the fetus was even better. So they do actually sell the fetuses for human consumption.
Here are a few links related to the practice of eating the human placenta:
Link to UK website with article about modern day placenta eating. Interesting in that it mentions eating the placenta as a possible remedy for postpartum depression.
Another online article at a birthing website with details of things to do with placentas.
Chinese community oriented forum postings
Estonian Birthing Customs Article
Nurse Miverva Website, an interesting website that is set up to answer biology-related nursing questions. This is a link to a specific set of questions related to placentas and pregnancy.
Warning letter from FDA to importer of supplement containing human placenta!
Link to Chinese Herbal Supplement Vendor that sells human placenta. Also note that there is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and College that can be reached by links from this page.
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