To: uncleshag; MoJo2001; tomkow6; beachn4fun; StarCMC; Darksheare; Diva Betsy Ross; ...
Just wanted to pin the Canteeners to this.
25 posted on
06/10/2005 1:59:55 PM PDT by
("We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid" - Benjamin Franklin)
To: acad1228
Thanks for the *ping*--nice to see some positive influence coming from the Hip-hop world for a change! Thanks, Nick!
28 posted on
06/10/2005 2:07:58 PM PDT by
((Freedom is on the march. Freedom is the birthright and deep desire of every human soul.GWB 3-29-05))
To: acad1228
It is a tear jerker and I don't care at all for rap.
29 posted on
06/10/2005 2:21:42 PM PDT by
(Democrats haven't had a new idea since Karl Marx.)
To: acad1228
31 posted on
06/10/2005 2:47:25 PM PDT by
To: acad1228
Bump and thanks for the ping.
To: acad1228
Been away, thanks for the ping!
77 posted on
06/13/2005 7:41:08 PM PDT by
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