Posted on 06/06/2005 5:46:54 PM PDT by RWR8189
WENATCHEE -- Reeling from a courtroom rout, Republican Dino Rossi decided today not to press ahead to the state Supreme Court with his legal challenge to the 2004 election of Democratic Gov. Christine Gregoire.
With today's decision, and because of the political makeup of the Washington State Supreme Court, which makes it almost impossible to overturn this ruling, I am ending the election contest," Rossi said at his campaign headquarters in Bellevue.
Rossi and the GOP sued in January in Chelan County Superior Court to set aside the closest governor's race in the nation's history, which Gregoire won by 129 votes after a hand recount of more than 2.8 million ballots.
But after spending millions of dollars, months on investigations and two weeks in trial, the net result for the Republicans today was that Rossi lost four votes from his total, pushing Gregoire's margin to 133.
"The court concludes that the election contest petition should be dismissed and the certification of Miss Gregoire as governor confirmed," Judge John Bridges said in formally announcing his ruling against the GOP.
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sad but not surprised.
Hopefully it'll give some momentum to get Ron Sims out of the King County Executive office.
"The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything."
--Joseph Stalin
The best thing for Rossi to do, take his defeat in silence, publically accept it, and try to take it as a gentleman....
Because if he doesn't raise a fuss, it doesnt negate the fact that half of Washington believes he was screwed, and if he does take this with dignity, he will be in a VERY STRONG POSITION in 2008.
He needs to make some speech though with the phrase of "I'm putting what's best for Washington above what's best for me personally"
Something real sappy like that
"I'm putting what's best for Washington above what's best for me personally"
What is best for Washington, is to have the rightfully elected Governor in office.
so- the judge basically admits there were illegal and invalid votes but will do nothing about it??
Yes, but if he pushes it, and loses, he hurts his chances to win in 2008. Everything Rossi should be doing now, is preparing to run again in 2008, he needs to keep a straight eye to 2008. Don't think close elections like this don't hurt legitamacy, part of the reason our Governor is having so many problems is because his election was real close too. Undecided for a week. And Ronnie Musgrove was conclusively elected by the Mississippi Legislature, they didn't return him to office in 2003
Right now, Gregoire is coming in under a cloud, and if Rossi looks like a saint, then it becomes that much easier for Rossi to challenge her next time.
Washington is almost a lost cause. Rossi will better serve the state as Senator in 2006.
Looks like the Dems stole this election fair and square with crooked election officials, the dead vote, the criminal vote, the double vote and a bought and paid for judiciary. Congratulations to the citizens of Washington. Gregoire's coming and hell's coming with her.
"It's up to the Iraqi people to correct the 100% voting tally for Saddam"...This is just out of scope for a judge to actually administer justice. Maybe if you voters vote so dramatically that the ruling class accidentally "loses" after three "recounts"...
Washington State .... Rotten to the Core
Welcome to Free Republic
So much for the theory that there was one honest judge in the state of Washington.
The judge concluded that without knowing how the illegal votes broke down as to candidate, there is no way to overturn the election. Of course there is no way to know who voted for whom, without asking each and every person to admit they broke the law. The truth is essentially unknown, and unknowable. I give up on this election see r a pee. It isn't worth the ulcer to try and beat the system, they have more money and power. Guess it is time to see what I can take from the govt, something tells me that either you take from this system infinitelly or give.
Putting your comment with Azalea's, might in fact be the answer to what is on his mind.
Compare Nixon's reaction to 1960 vs. Al's to 2000.
Al is history, well so is Richard Nixon, but his is due to his passing. Al is just a walking dead man (politically speaking).
Exactly, the fact is, even in a liberal state like Washington, Gregoire comes in with a cloud. The fact is, it is likely at some point, people in her party in the legislature will be willing to cross her, because as they see it, she only won by what, 10 votes, anyway.
And another fact is, it doesn't matter what part of the country you're in, Americans like gracious losers. If you're willing to accept defeat with grace, then to the people, you appear to be someone of integrity, etc. And as such, next time you run, they're more apt to give you an office, maybe not because they agree with everything you say, but because they believe you deserve to be there.
God help us.
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