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Wash. Judge Upholds Gubernatorial Vote
AP ^ | 6/6/05 | Rebecca Cook

Posted on 06/06/2005 10:45:44 AM PDT by Tumbleweed_Connection

A judge on Monday upheld Washington's 2004 gubernatorial election, rejecting Republicans' bid to nullify the 129-vote victory of Democratic Gov. Christine Gregoire.

Chelan County Superior Court Judge John Bridges denied Republican claims that election errors, illegal voters and fraud stole the election from GOP candidate Dino Rossi. He announced his decision in court, saying the state's election process was flawed but that he was not the proper person to remedy those flaws.

"This court is not in the position to fix the deficiencies in the election process," Bridges said. "However, the voters are in a position to demand of their legislative and executive bodies that remedial measures be taken immediately."

Republicans were seeking a new election in November. They have said they plan to appeal Bridges' decision to the state Supreme Court.

Bridges' ruling came after a two-week trial that turned over rocks in election departments around the state, exposing flaws and quirks that usually don't matter because the results usually aren't so close. But in an election decided by 129 votes, every little mistake has the power to change the outcome.

Republicans concentrated their attacks on the Democratic stronghold of King County, the state's most populous county. The trial exposed various problems, from inaccurate mail ballot reports to Election Director Dean Logan's admission that he didn't know whether the results were accurate within 129 votes.

In the short run, Republicans said they were seeking a new election for Rossi. But many hope the facts aired at trial will spur more election reform. The state Legislature passed several election reform bills this year, but left many others on the table.

"This is the biggest mess I've ever seen," GOP attorney Dale Foreman said in his opening statement as the trial began last month. "The system is broken and it must be fixed."

Democratic attorneys scoffed at the GOP claims, saying they lacked the clear and convincing proof needed to justify overturning the election. The election errors that Republicans characterized as "sinister," Democrats described as innocent mistakes that happen in every county, in every election.

"It's not enough to show a mistake, it's not enough to show a bad mistake, and it's not enough to show a really bad mistake," Democratic attorney Jenny Durkan said in her closing argument last week. "In order to prove their case, they still have to show that Gov. Gregoire did not receive the highest number of legal votes."

Rossi, a commercial real estate agent and former state senator, was considered a long shot against Gregoire, a three-term attorney general who was the anointed successor to Democratic Gov. Gary Locke. But Rossi's promise of a fresh start in Olympia left Gregoire struggling to define herself.

Rossi won the first count by 261 votes, then watched his lead shrink to 42 in a machine recount. In a hand recount of nearly 3 million ballots, Gregoire won by 129 votes, and her margin was the smallest in percentage terms of any governor's race in the nation's history. Five days before Gregoire's inauguration, Rossi sued to contest the election.

TOPICS: Politics/Elections; US: Washington
KEYWORDS: democratsarescum; democratscheat; judicial; kingofcorruption; mafiaqueen; stealingelections; stolenelection; stuffingtheballotbox; thedaydemocracydied; themostcorruptstate; votefraud; voterfraud
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1 posted on 06/06/2005 10:45:45 AM PDT by Tumbleweed_Connection
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
He announced his decision in court, saying the state's election process was flawed


2 posted on 06/06/2005 10:47:22 AM PDT by Puppage (You may disagree with what I have to say, but I shall defend to your death my right to say it.)
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To: Puppage

Well in flawed he most likely meant rigged. However, going out on a limb here, it may be best to just walk away and plan for a rematch. If Rossi keeps on going it will look desperate ie: Gore / Bush.

If this keeps on going to 2006 or beyond (yikes) it could be a minus. Of course I could be wrong.

3 posted on 06/06/2005 10:52:12 AM PDT by JNL
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection

Just got an sarcastic email from a cyberfriend that the judge's earring was a nice touch. Does any freeper know if the judge really was wearing an earring while he was reading his fradulent decision?

4 posted on 06/06/2005 10:53:30 AM PDT by lilylangtree (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
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Comment #5 Removed by Moderator


Agreed. There comes a point where you know that no one will ever know for sure, and it's best to just bow out gracefully and try again the next time around.

6 posted on 06/06/2005 10:55:08 AM PDT by JamesP81
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To: Puppage
He announced his decision in court, saying the state's election process was flawed.

I think he meant "fraud".

7 posted on 06/06/2005 10:56:32 AM PDT by throwthebumsout
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To: Baynative

This has to be the most frustrating Catch 22/circular reasoning I have ever seen. I am beyond disgusted. We were just told that they could screw us, and there isn't a damned thing we can do about it.

It's "the law", you know.

8 posted on 06/06/2005 10:57:06 AM PDT by DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
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To: lilylangtree

I've seen pictures of him with an ear ring.

9 posted on 06/06/2005 10:59:08 AM PDT by Graybeard58 (Remember and pray for Spec.4 Matt Maupin - MIA/POW- Iraq since 04/09/04)
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To: Baynative
Classic liberal Judge ruling.

Another reason for republican Governors and legislatures. We need to take back the courts and make them honest again.

10 posted on 06/06/2005 10:59:11 AM PDT by D Rider
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To: DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet

YEAH....THIS judge just put INTO the records that it is OKAY to have a FLAWED election, to screw the voters.....because they can't prove who ILLEGAL voters voted for on their PRIVATE, SECRET ballots, that we cannot LOOK AT!!!

11 posted on 06/06/2005 11:00:23 AM PDT by goodnesswins (Our military......the world's HEROES!)
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection

Time for revolt.

Refuse to pay the taxes.

Refuse to obey the legislation she signs.

Resist those who come to enforce them.

Hunt down those who sent them.

12 posted on 06/06/2005 11:03:07 AM PDT by Noumenon (Activist judges - out of touch, out of tune, but not out of reach.)
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To: Baynative

13 posted on 06/06/2005 11:04:51 AM PDT by Spunky ("Everyone has a freedom of choice, but not of consequences.")
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To: Noumenon

Hmmm then you'd look like a democrat not a reponsible and adult conservative.

14 posted on 06/06/2005 11:05:44 AM PDT by JNL
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To: Noumenon

Amen! However, it's kind of hard to not put gas in the tank.

15 posted on 06/06/2005 11:06:07 AM PDT by lilylangtree (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection


Its over...just convince Rossi to go after Cantwell..and vote so this dosent happen again

16 posted on 06/06/2005 11:08:21 AM PDT by skaterboy (Me love you long time)
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No more Mr. Nice Guy

17 posted on 06/06/2005 11:08:55 AM PDT by Noumenon (Activist judges - out of touch, out of tune, but not out of reach.)
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To: Noumenon

No, its time to take the Washington state playbook...and play them with their own strategy. We need 5,000 people this summer to go up and pretend to set up residence...and get a license...and register to vote. Its time to play this game the way that King county plays it. Its wrong, and we oughta know better...but if the system isn't going to work legally...then its time to play it their way. Obviously, the judge doesn't have a problem with this sort of they need to prepare themselves for massive irregular situations. We have 3 years to get ourselves entrenched into King county...lets not waste a moment. Take your RVs, your families...and stake a residence there.

18 posted on 06/06/2005 11:13:04 AM PDT by pepsionice
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Comment #19 Removed by Moderator

To: Tumbleweed_Connection

All I can say is hang on America because this gives the template for Hillary to become President.

20 posted on 06/06/2005 11:33:03 AM PDT by Vicki (Washington State where they are no rules or standards in elections.)
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