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WA Gov. Race: Judge Upholds Election of Governor Gregoire
| 6 June 2005
Posted on 06/06/2005 10:02:05 AM PDT by Publius
A state judge has upheld the election of Washington Governor Christine Gregoire.
In turning back the Republican challenge to the Democrat, Judge John Bridges says there was no evidence of fraud in last fall's election.
The judge did find there were more than 1,600 illegal votes, but he says it's up to voters to fix errors in the state's election system.
Republicans have said they will appeal to the state Supreme Court.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections; US: Washington
KEYWORDS: communists; democratsarescum; democratscheat; fascists; gregoire; gregwhoire; kingofcorruption; mafiaqueen; rossi; stealingelections; stolenelection; stuffingtheballotbox; thedaydemocracydied; themostcorruptstate; thieves; votefraud; voterfraud
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Basically, the judge indicated that the law requiered him to produce this decision. The judge is known as a strict constructionist, and this decision is in keeping with his reputation.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:02:05 AM PDT
To: Publius
Judge John Bridges says there was no evidence of fraud in last fall's election.Unless this is an inaccurate press report, the Judge -- strict constructionist or not -- must have been smoking some of that "medical" marijuana.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:03:30 AM PDT
(Join the AmishDude fan club: "LOL!!!" -- MikeinIraq; "Bravo" -- EODTIM69)
To: AmishDude
The Republicans presented no convincing evidence of fraud as defined by state statute. The judge merely pointed this out.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:04:57 AM PDT
To: Publius
"Yes, the Democrats succeeded in rigging an election, but the voters will just have to suck it up."
Not my concept of a strict constructionist. An election law which permits an illegal outcome is an illegal law.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:05:37 AM PDT
To: dangus
An election law which permits an illegal outcome is an illegal law.You're confusing right-and-wrong with the law. The first thing they beat out of you at law school is this distinction. What counts is the law as it is written. It's legal until repealed or a court says otherwise.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:07:18 AM PDT
To: Publius
Judge John Bridges says there was no evidence of fraud in last fall's election [...] The judge did find there were more than 1,600 illegal votesIntellectual dissonance, anyone...?
posted on
06/06/2005 10:07:55 AM PDT
("As a conservative site, Free Republic is pro-G-d, PRO-LIFE..." -- FR founder Jim Robinson)
To: Publius
This will be another "victory" that the rats will live to see cost them in future elections. Maybe not in Washington State, but in other places, the idea that rats need crooked judges to uphold voter frauds to win. The crap they pulled in Mo. with the widda carnahan and the stunt they pulled in South Dakota with johnson's phony Indian votes, come to mind.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:08:14 AM PDT
(Dealing with liberals? Remember: when you wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and he loves it.)
To: jmaroneps37
The judge is not crooked. He is merely following the law. It's the law that needs to be changed, not the judge.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:08:59 AM PDT
To: Publius
Basically, the judge indicated that the law requiered him to produce this decision. If so, then who was it who said, "the law is an ass"? Or maybe it's just Bridges who is an ass (and a coward, more interested in the process of the law than it's purpose)?
posted on
06/06/2005 10:09:09 AM PDT
To: dangus
It is a good decision.
The Republicans failed to prove their case and the RATS proved that they were incompetent.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:09:53 AM PDT
(Liberal Talking Point - Bush = Hitler ... Republican Talking Point - Let the Liberals Talk)
To: Publius
To: chimera
"The law is a ass" comes from Oliver Twist and is uttered by Mr. Bumble, the parish beadle.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:10:10 AM PDT
To: Publius
So illegal voting is permitted under Washington State law? That's unbelievable.
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
The judge pointed out that the number of illegal votes is irrelevent unless petitioners can prove for whom those illegal votes were cast. This is because of the wording of the election contest statute.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:11:52 AM PDT
To: Publius
DemoncRATS win yet again using nefarious and criminal methods. Wonder what this judge's payoff is? Further, wonder if he is a demoncRAT appointment? We're stuck with Fraudoire.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:12:34 AM PDT
(Veni, Vidi, Vici)
To: Republican Wildcat
Illegal voting is not permissable, but in order to void an election (acccording to statute), the Republicans had to show how those illegal votes were cast so as to change the vote tallies in the election.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:13:46 AM PDT
To: Publius
Well, the pony in this pile of manure is that perhaps Rossi will run now against Cantwell for Senator in 2006.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:14:34 AM PDT
So Cal Rocket
(Proud Member: Internet Pajama Wearers for Truth)
To: Publius
The judge did find there were more than 1,600 illegal votes, but he says it's up to voters to fix errors in the state's election system. How are voters supposed to do that if their votes are being canceled out by the votes of convicted felons and dead people?
To: lilylangtree
The judge is clean. You have to get past the idea that anybody who rules against you is a criminal. The judge followed the law, which is what he was supposed to do.
It's the law that needs changing.
posted on
06/06/2005 10:15:08 AM PDT
To: Publius
How does a judge otherwise reconcile in impossible law? How can one prove for whom an illegal vote was cast when, by law, all votes are confidential?
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