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Anti-illegal immigration conference opens in Nevada amid protests
Bakersfield Californian ^ | 5/28/05 | Christina Almeida - AP

Posted on 05/28/2005 8:47:44 PM PDT by NormsRevenge

LAS VEGAS (AP) - Several anti-illegal immigration groups convened Saturday in Las Vegas to discuss efforts to tighten U.S. borders and to praise recent action by the Minuteman Project, as a large group of Hispanic protesters denounced the conference as racist.

The summit was hosted by the Las Vegas-based Wake Up America Foundation, whose motto is "It's your country, take it back." Between 500 and 1,000 people were expected to attend the two-day meeting held at the Cashman Center in downtown Las Vegas. Speakers from various groups addressed the crowd regarding problems with illegal immigration.

"It's not just about poor immigrants coming to work," said Chris Simcox, president of Minuteman Civil Defense and a co-organizer of the recent Minuteman Project in Arizona. "It's about the world knowledge that our government can't stop drug dealers. It doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence that they can stop resourceful terrorists."

Simcox told the crowd that his group of 15,000 members is committed to securing the nation's borders and will continue to plan actions in California and in states along the Canadian border until the federal government begins military patrols.

"We want the border secured. Nothing less will be accepted," Simcox said. "There is no compromise."

Barbara Coe with the California Coalition for Immigration Reform called the border situation a "very real threat to our sovereignty and our lives."

Coe mentioned several law enforcement officers, including Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy David March, who were killed by Mexican nationals who later fled to their country to avoid prosecution.

She blamed President Bush for refusing "to protect us from these foreign invaders."

"He encourages more illegal immigrants to come here and take over, take our money and our jobs," Coe said, drawing huge applause when she derided him as "Senor Bush."

Outside, about 200 Hispanic protesters chanted "racists go home" and waved American and Mexican flags. A small child carried a sign that read "Racism is a deadly plague."

"They're just trying to take a certain group, a certain ethnicity, and make them the scapegoat," said Chelsie Campbell, a 25-year-old recent law school graduate from Las Vegas. "Let's work together and find a solution."

Martha Moreno, 38, of Las Vegas, carried a sign saying "Proud to be Mexican-American." She said she braved the nearly 100-degree heat because she feels everyone has a right to make life better for their families.

"We all came to this country from other places in the world," Moreno said. "We're all immigrants."

Robert Gallegos, president of a Hispanic political action group called RAZ/Pac, drove from Salt Lake City to participate in the protest. He said claims on the Web site of Wake Up America Foundation that illegal immigrants are to blame for rising unemployment, hospital closures and troubles in the public school system are disingenuous.

"All that is is a cover for racism," he said. "All Americans need to stand up and make sure this racism stops here."

Simcox dismissed claims his group was racist, saying the border issue is one of national security and public safety and that those caught at the border represent dozens of nationalities.

"I don't care what color your skin is, what language you speak or where you're from, if you are breaking into my country illegally, that's unacceptable." Simcox said.

He defended his philosophy as pro-immigrant, mentioning recent deaths along the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona.

"There is no reason human beings, regardless of where they come from, should die horrible deaths," Simcox said.

Michael Leon, a member of the Minutemen Project, said he has endured strong criticism from within the Hispanic community, but felt compelled to join the group after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

"It's security for me," said Leon, who said he's been called a traitor to his race. "I love my community, but I love my country more."

The conference was scheduled to conclude Sunday with speeches by Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist and Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado, a leading congressional voice against illegal immigration.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Mexico; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: aliens; antiillegal; conference; illegals; immigration; lasvegas; minuteman; minutemanproject; minutemen; nevada; opens; protests
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1 posted on 05/28/2005 8:47:45 PM PDT by NormsRevenge
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To: NormsRevenge

I heard on the radio last night (Hugh Hewitt, I think) that the Aztlan group is really mad at the MM project and plans to make mischief at the convention in Las Vegas...

2 posted on 05/28/2005 8:52:00 PM PDT by Txsleuth (Mark Levin for Supreme Court Justice)
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To: NormsRevenge
I don't care if your white, black, pink, green, brown, red, yellow, charteuse, or have racing stripes with big purple dots and shiny stars on your butt...

"Racist?" Hell no! Just come here legally or not at all...

3 posted on 05/28/2005 8:53:59 PM PDT by JDoutrider
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To: NormsRevenge

""We all came to this country from other places in the world," Moreno said. "We're all immigrants."

Blah,blah,blah,blah,blah !!!!!

4 posted on 05/28/2005 8:57:50 PM PDT by Mears (Keep the government out of my face!)
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To: NormsRevenge
"Robert Gallegos, president of a Hispanic political action group called RAZ/Pac..."All that is is a cover for racism," he said"

This hypocrite is hollering racist racist and he's the president of the "Raza Political Action Coalition (Raz-Pac)".
5 posted on 05/28/2005 9:00:40 PM PDT by Texas_Jarhead
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To: Mears; Chieftain

"We're all immigrants." Yeah, and some of us came here LEGALLY.
Do we REALLY have to hear this trash all the time? The Race Card be damned! I am sick of this phony "racist" stuff.

6 posted on 05/28/2005 9:02:23 PM PDT by Recovering Ex-hippie (Everything I need to know about Islam I learned on 9-11!)
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To: NormsRevenge
"We all came to this country from other places in the world," Moreno said. "We're all immigrants."

But we aren't all ILLEGAL immigrants Moreno.

7 posted on 05/28/2005 9:05:21 PM PDT by Graybeard58 (Remember and pray for Spec.4 Matt Maupin - MIA/POW- Iraq since 04/09/04)
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To: Recovering Ex-hippie

I also, am tired of being called a racist ,, only to enforce our laws, one if never called a racist with speding ticket..

8 posted on 05/28/2005 9:06:33 PM PDT by JoanneSD
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To: Graybeard58
"But we aren't all ILLEGAL immigrants Moreno."

Piss on Mexico. Or a least the corrupt turds who run it.

9 posted on 05/28/2005 9:10:01 PM PDT by blackbart.223 (I live in Northern Nevada. Reid doesn't represent me.)
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To: JoanneSD

Guess what? The Race Card is losing its power thanks to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Corrine Brown,etc. It's been so overdone and now we have Blacks who are getting disgusted with it when they are called "whities" if they try to break out of the negativity.

10 posted on 05/28/2005 9:10:25 PM PDT by Recovering Ex-hippie (Everything I need to know about Islam I learned on 9-11!)
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To: Graybeard58

I am from Mars, take me to your leeder! :)

11 posted on 05/28/2005 9:12:43 PM PDT by 1FASTGLOCK45 (FreeRepublic: More fun than watching Dem'Rats drown like Turkeys in the rain! ! !)
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To: Graybeard58
I have no problem with Mexicans who want to get in line with my friends from Colombia, Panama, Poland, and Taiwan who are paying tons of money in legal fees to get residency here.

For me, it aint about "race," it aint about "culture" it is about OBEYING THE F--KING LAW!

12 posted on 05/28/2005 9:21:05 PM PDT by Clemenza (Vader 2008: In your heart, you know he's right)
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To: NormsRevenge
"We all came to this country from other places in the world," Moreno said. "We're all immigrants."

Not me...I was born in the USA.

13 posted on 05/28/2005 9:25:24 PM PDT by Just A Nobody (I - L O V E - my attitude problem!)
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To: NormsRevenge

Good grief. Yeah, sure. Let me get this straight: Defending our borders = racism.

I wonder if some of these protestors can get Vicente Fox to call me. It's been 10 days since I e-mailed this letter to President Fox. I'm still waiting for a response:

Querido Señor Fox,

No nos diga cómo conducir nuestro propio país, Vicente. Los Estados Unidos de América nos pertenece a nosotros, no pertenece a Ud. ni a los Mexicanos pobres que manda aquí.

Ellos no son "trabajadores sin documentos." Son ILEGALES. Son invasores. Han violado nuestra frontera sin permiso, y están viviendo y trabajando aquí ILEGALMENTE. Si quieren vivir y trabajar aquí, deben solicitar permiso por medio del proceso LEGAL de inmigración. Somos una nación de leyes, y los ilegales no respetan a nuestras leyes. No merecen quedarse aquí.

¿Qué me pasaría si yo entrara a México sin permiso, y si yo tomo un trabajo que "no hará ningún mejicano"? Claro. Me echarán en la cárcel.

Vicente, Ud. es un sin vergüenza y un enemigo de los Estados Unidos de América. Estamos viviendo en una época de guerra. ¿Cómo se atreve decir Ud. que no tenemos el derecho, como un país soberano, de defender nuestra frontera? Arregle a su propio país y economía, en vez de mandar acá a sus necesitados.


Los CIUDADANOS de los Estados Unidos de America

Dear Mr. Fox,

Don't tell us how to run our country, Vince. The US of A belongs to us, not to you or to the poor Mexicans you send here.

They are not "undocumented workers." They are ILLEGALS. They are invaders. They have violated our borders without permission, and are living and working here ILLEGALLY. If they want to live and work here, they must request permission through the LEGAL process of immigration. We are a country of laws, and the illegals do not respect our laws. They do not deserve to stay here.

What would happen to me if I entered Mexico without permission, and I took a job that "no Mexican would do"? Of course. I'd be thrown in jail.

Vincent, you are a shameless enemy of the United States of America. We are living in a time of war, and you dare to say that as a sovereign nation we do not have the right to defend our borders? Fix your own country and economy, instead of sending us your poor and needy.


The CITIZENS of the United States of America

14 posted on 05/28/2005 9:29:32 PM PDT by Choose Ye This Day (Somos un país soberano en una época de guerra. ¿Por qué no podemos defender nuestra frontera?)
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To: NormsRevenge

They greatly fear that the gravy train may be coming to a screeching halt.

15 posted on 05/28/2005 9:29:36 PM PDT by henderson field
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To: Mears

And that means immigrants are great people for sucking the money and polluting the culture? I'm getting sick of all of them.

16 posted on 05/28/2005 9:31:22 PM PDT by henderson field
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To: NormsRevenge
"Hispanic protesters denounced the conference as racist."

How many ways are there to say Go the twisto fisting twad shuck back to where you came from and don't come back!

Go and make something other than a crap pit of your own country and leave us the flying twisto fist alone!

17 posted on 05/28/2005 9:35:47 PM PDT by Desron13
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To: Clemenza
...she feels everyone has a right to make life better for their families.

Does that mean I have the right to break into my neighbor's house without permission? I could probably live much better in his household than in mine--he's much wealthier.

Maybe I could go to his job and work in his place, and take his paycheck.

Maybe I should demand that he pays for my kids' education and my health care.

Oh, and while I'm living--uninvited--in his house, I'm going to make sure I speak the way I've always spoken and act the way I've always acted, because it would be really MEAn to think that I would have to change. My neighbor had better learn to accept me as I am.

18 posted on 05/28/2005 9:36:22 PM PDT by Choose Ye This Day (Somos un país soberano en una época de guerra. ¿Por qué no podemos defender nuestra frontera?)
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To: NormsRevenge

"We all came to this country from other places in the world," Moreno said. "We're all immigrants."

This is a lie. The majority of American citizens were born here.

19 posted on 05/28/2005 9:39:12 PM PDT by Recall
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To: Recall; 1_Inch_Group; 2sheep; 2Trievers; 3AngelaD; 3rdcanyon; 4.1O dana super trac pak; 4Freedom; ..
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Don't forget who's funding the protesters....and get ready to witness what happened in the sixties, again.

20 posted on 05/28/2005 9:49:39 PM PDT by HiJinx (~ ~ Operation 4th of July ~)
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