"Be careful. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are infested with homosexuals and sexual predators."
I guess having been a "Big" myself, I give BB/BS the benefit of the doubt. The screening process for myself, and a few other women I asked to join was gruelling and endless. It was easily 6 months before we got our "littles."
I've never heard of any problems with the Big Brothers in my local area. Some guys just plain LIKE kids, and are looking forward to being Dads themselves one day. My husband (and I, to a great extent) spend a lot of time with our Godson and nieces and nephews, now that our son is nearly out of the nest. It's do-able for men, depending upon what their family situation is.
But, best to be safe when kids are concerned.
There were several article about 2 years ago about how the BB/BS programs in some areas (read that "very liberal cities") absolutely REFUSED to disqualify a person based on their sexual preferences. The wouldn't allow a man to be a BB to a young girl because of possible sexual problems but they saw no problem with allowing a homosexual pair up with a child of the same sex.