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Clinton calls for creation of new border security position
Sorogatian ^ | April 24, 2005 | CHRISTOPHER DIAKOPOU

Posted on 04/24/2005 7:41:42 AM PDT by yoe

U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton has announced a new initiative for legislation to create a homeland security position in charge of the northern border.

Clinton has encouraged the creation of a northern border coordinator for some time, but with the surprising announcement of a possible passport requirement for crossing the U.S. - Canada border, she said now may be the best time to push this legislation forward.

'I've introduced this as an amendment to existing homeland security bills,' Clinton said in a conference call on Wednesday. 'I've given speeches about it and arranged meetings with Canadian officials.

'I have been particularly focused on northern border security, because for too long our northern border has gotten the shorter end of the stick as far as funding goes. This recent announcement of the passport requirement illustrates the need. Such a coordinator could have raised the red flag of the impact of this requirement,' she said.

The northern border coordinator would be appointed by the homeland security secretary and report directly to the under secretary for border and transportation security.

Clinton said that 70 percent of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the border, and positive conditions for trading and tourism need to be created.

The legislation will call on Michael Chertoff, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, to appoint someone to the new position.

The new position would be responsible for devising and implementing measures to increase the security of the border between the United States and Canada and the ports of entry located along the border.

Responsibilities would also include improving coordination between agencies responsible for that security and serving as the primary liaison with state and local governments, law enforcement agencies and the Canadian government regarding security along the border.

'We have had a lot of confusion and missteps because we haven't had someone responsible for this,' Clinton said. 'I think this passport requirement proves my point that we need somebody who is the contact person on our northern border.'

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: aliens; billingrecords; billydale; bordersecurity; cattlefutures; grandstanding; hillary; piaps; roselaefirm; stolensofa; travelgate; vincefoster
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To: -=[_Super_Secret_Agent_]=-

It's not so much the Canada-US border that bothers me, it's Canadian immigration and the security on our East and West coasts and at our international airports. IMO, if there is an issue with our southern border, it's on our side. I want to keep "undesirables" out of my country as much as any American wants to keep them out of the US. However, I don't see Canada Customs being up to the challenge.

61 posted on 04/24/2005 6:40:29 PM PDT by NorthOf45
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To: yoe

"Ms. Clinton is a day-late-and-a-dollar-short!"

I agree with you from our perspective, based on internet research. But what about the perspective of those who browse through various channels, even FoxNews? This was out of the blue. And note, Canada was the entryway for the 9-11 terrorists.

62 posted on 04/25/2005 2:56:14 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (<<<< Profile page streamlined, solely devoted Schiavo research)
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To: Americanexpat
We don´t need to create more bureaucracy. We need to tweak, twist and poke people into doing the job and hire folks that will and fire folks that won't.

In general I am in full agreement and there are large swaths of our government that could be fired with no ill effect. Everybody who doesn't show up for work after a 6" snow storm in DC would be a good start.

But our Borders are ridiculously undermanned and we need to strengthen them. There are about 11,000 Border Patrol Agents guarding 6000 miles of border and about 10,000 of them are on the 2000 miles of Mexican Border. By comparison, there are about 39,000 cops guarding that tiny little postage stamp of land we call New York City.

I think we need at least as many Border Patrol Agents as New York cops.

63 posted on 04/25/2005 6:08:23 AM PDT by jackbenimble (Import the third world, become the third world)
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To: jackbenimble

I am in total agreement. Did not mean to imply we had enogh to do the job only that we don't need to hire another level of management. We more likely ave someone in charge of the Northern and Southern brders, make them do their jobs.

64 posted on 04/25/2005 6:20:08 AM PDT by Americanexpat (A strong democracy through citizen oversight.)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March

"And note, Canada was the entryway for the 9-11 terrorists."

No. Check your fact.

65 posted on 04/25/2005 12:32:56 PM PDT by -=[_Super_Secret_Agent_]=-
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