Posted on 04/24/2005 7:41:42 AM PDT by yoe
U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton has announced a new initiative for legislation to create a homeland security position in charge of the northern border.
Clinton has encouraged the creation of a northern border coordinator for some time, but with the surprising announcement of a possible passport requirement for crossing the U.S. - Canada border, she said now may be the best time to push this legislation forward.
'I've introduced this as an amendment to existing homeland security bills,' Clinton said in a conference call on Wednesday. 'I've given speeches about it and arranged meetings with Canadian officials.
'I have been particularly focused on northern border security, because for too long our northern border has gotten the shorter end of the stick as far as funding goes. This recent announcement of the passport requirement illustrates the need. Such a coordinator could have raised the red flag of the impact of this requirement,' she said.
The northern border coordinator would be appointed by the homeland security secretary and report directly to the under secretary for border and transportation security.
Clinton said that 70 percent of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the border, and positive conditions for trading and tourism need to be created.
The legislation will call on Michael Chertoff, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, to appoint someone to the new position.
The new position would be responsible for devising and implementing measures to increase the security of the border between the United States and Canada and the ports of entry located along the border.
Responsibilities would also include improving coordination between agencies responsible for that security and serving as the primary liaison with state and local governments, law enforcement agencies and the Canadian government regarding security along the border.
'We have had a lot of confusion and missteps because we haven't had someone responsible for this,' Clinton said. 'I think this passport requirement proves my point that we need somebody who is the contact person on our northern border.'
Really? I thought you would want an open border...
Me? No. I was kidding. We need a Israel-Syra border type in the north.
It's amazing to me that he thinks he can any support for his proposal. The liberals I know want the illegals shipped out.
Solution ... Create more bureaucracy.
yeah ,...the chess match for Public Perception is well underway and the MSM is gonna help , ?? Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton
yeah yeah YEAH ,....everyday , we should see this everyday , I'd like BIG banners with this image on both sides of Broadwy at Columbia U
(Liberal elite IMO is a good description of Mr. Brill.)
"According to Brill, Hillary Clinton had her staff manufacture/fabricate records of meetings and phone calls to families of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks to create the fiction that the ice princess was a warm, caring, compassionate representative of constituents traumatized by the epic tragedy of 9/11.
"Brill said Sen. Clintons staff tried to persuade him that she worked hard to help, and offered 'an elaborate story, with an elaborate subtext of memos and phone calls -- a long, long story.' However, according to Brill, 'None of it turned out to be true. ... They gave me documents and phone calls and things like that which just plain never happened.'"
The above excerpt comes from a Newsmax article and matches what I've read/heard from other sources. I believe it.
Mrs. Clinton's being can be summed up in two words, DANGEROUS LIAR.
That's good to hear and why I'm confident McCain with his amnesty schemes hasn't got a chance in 2008.
I read a long time ago, that Hillary will do anything to become president, including pretending to be a conservative on some issues.
More to come, I am sure.
I only hope the "swing voters" don't fall for it.
It is easy to derail this chicanery. The GOP should enhance Clinton's bill with the following admendments, no driver licenses for illegals and require city agencies to report illegal immigrants and make santuary laws illegal. Watch McCain choke because he wants illegals to have driver licenses and Clinton will choke because her large NYC base would scream.
With the shameless pandering that McCain is doing I've no doubt he would choke on any amendment that cracks down. He's already come out against the Real ID Act and said something to the effect that denying drivers licenses to illegals was a violation of their human rights. His latest votes in the Senate clearly show where he stands, and it's not with America.
Man, I'm so glad you said this! Someone was telling me that even Ronald Reagan, (as much as I and many lovingly remember him)also gave amnesty to illegals!
Some people act as if GWB just suddenly flung the door open, and waved them all in, as some say, 'unimpeded'. And that he doesn't care at all about the issue, and hasn't lifted a finger to help stop it! That statement there, is insulting to the intelligence of many of us, as well as to those who claim that! I know of some things that are done, even by the President, and many in Congress!
However it can be argued, honestly, that more can be done. However, there are a lot in Congress that would fight him tooth and nail over those measures, and never let him do more. Well I hope ol' Hillary will actually do it, but I doubt it. But some will be fool enough to believe it, and drool all over her! This issue is too emotionally charged for many to discuss rationally.
Maybe if the President sees more people interested in further measures on the border(both of them)and if they are serious, he'll be able to get more done! He has done some things, and proposed a few things. But it may not be what many people want.
Still, people aren't being honest if they carry on that he and others aren't doing anything at all, and they are ignoring border problems. I've read in many articles, even many on this board that suggest that there have been attempts made to control the borders. At least in many places, if not all.
My problem with Hillary's proposal about this is all the big talk about new goverment positions. I thought many people (on here and elsewhere)didn't want a lot of new big-goverment solutions and positions? Also, about the funding.
Didn't her husband say some years ago, that we needed a whole bunch more police on the streets? Did it actually happen, and was there additional funding? I don't think so. Many police departments claimed there wasn't enough funding given! That's what is likely to happen with this too.
We don´t need to create more beauocracy. We need to tweak, twist and poke people into doing the job and hire folks that will and fire folks that won't.
So does Ohio. That's inevitable with a progressive income tax on the richer states and welfare going to the poorer states. Liberal-voting New Yorkers are getting just what they deserve. I just wish their votes didn't hurt Ohiioans so much.
Yep...Even a fake plan will work with the Sheeple.
And at the same time they'll expose and document Dubya's clear failure to secure the border post 9/11.
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