They're not called "The Stupid Party" for nothing.
Well if he doesn't the Washington Post won't write an nice editorial about him. What's he supposed to do? /sarcasm
Pubbies are revolting.
This sort of thing happens frequently throughout the federal bureaucracy. The big boss has two obvious things he can do ~ the first is to let it happen, and the staffers go elsewhere. The second is to discipline the boss.
Well, that's what it would seem like, but in the federal government, even in State Department, the boss has a third option ~ forget about it!
And that's apparantly what Powell did up until the New York Times and a couple of their bought and paid-for Senators bothered him.
Now the Internet and the Blogsphere click in and Powell is rapidly finding out that he'd never before been on such a public stage.
Isn't this the same situation Powell got into over Mei Lei? ~ he just kinda' tried to forget about it.
You'd think he'd know better by now.
Stevens is getting up there in years. He looks fine, though, and is sharp as a tack. But, when he retires, Alaska is going to be in big trouble without the pork. Murkowski, who knows, she is still creating her senateness.
This secret plan is to then hold democrats to the new requirements they have set forth. Yeah, that's the ticket, a secret plan. Our side is so friggin' smart.
I just called the Anchorage office. Im under the impression, based on the conversation I just had, that she will vote against it..
The limp sister, pretending to enjoy her moment with W.
Voinovich is starting to take too much the 'boys' need another freshman senator to 'take one for the team'... play bad cop....and take up the slack.
Looks like a whole herd of rinos is headed our way.
Looks like a whole herd of rinos is headed our way.
Honest question:
If the GOp refuses to stand up and not kowtow to political pressures from non-GOPers then why should I vote for the GOP in November?
The Lemming mentality infects all who govern without conviction.
Guess what? The sicko libs running the Slimes and the ComPost still want to see them lose!
The republicans are making a fatal mistake by letting themselves be intimidated by a pack of lying deceiving democRATS. I can't believe it.
Roll over and it's over. The dems will rule soon.
President Bush: I've voted straight Republican since voting for Goldwater. If something isn't done about these wayward (so-called) Republicans soon I will never vote Republican again! Time to get some Texas cojones and crack the whip. You have many ways to punish these turncoats. Do it.
( I hope W reads this)
All RINOs must go.
These people are worse than the least the dems don't try to hide the fact that they are our ememies politically.
Can anyone say "Democratic Senate Majority"? Thanks for nothing, RINOs. It takes a special kind of stupid to be outmanuevered by a lightweight like Harry Reid.
We did it in Pennsylvania (with Pat Toomey) and very nearly weeded out the entrenched Arlen Specter. In the meantime, the conservative Toomey is waiting in the wings and his political future is only looking up. More states need to try likewise.
In the meantime, my checkbook remains closed until the GOP does SOMETHING....
"It's the judges and the borders, stupid."
Am I missing something? Besides not having a hard-on for the U.N., What are the sins of this man?