To: doug from upland
She was, in fac,t a humanitarian. Liberal or not, she was an American. God rest her soul.
19 posted on
04/17/2005 5:17:48 PM PDT by
To: philz
Tuesday, December 28th, 2004
U.S. Delegation Goes to Middle East With $600,000 in Aid For Fallujah Refugees
A delegation of military family members whose sons died while fighting in the Iraq war have traveled to Jordan to deliver $600,000 worth of humanitarian supplies for refugees from the U.S. attack on Falluja. [includes rush transcript]
The November attack, which virtually leveled the city and left some 2,000 Iraqis and 71 U.S. soldiers dead, also created thousands of refugees, who are living without adequate food, water, electricity and healthcare. Most of these refugees are children.
In an Internet appeal, the military family members, in collaboration with U.S. peace groups, physicians' organizations, and September 11 families, quickly raised $100,000 in donations. And humanitarian groups such as the Middle East Children"s Alliance and Operation USA contributed $500,000 worth of medical supplies.
We go now to Jordan to hear from Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink
24 posted on
04/17/2005 5:21:27 PM PDT by
(Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
To: philz
She wasn't a humanitarian. She was a useful idiot. It was poetic justice, not a tragedy.
34 posted on
04/17/2005 5:28:25 PM PDT by
To: philz
Scroll down a bit to
Who Is Marla Ruzicka?. She fed anti-American propaganda to the NYT, which gleefully printed it as fact. She was also given to comparing American conservatives to skin-heads and suggesting that terrorists should target us. Behind her "humanitarian" facade, she was a nasty piece of work.
60 posted on
04/17/2005 5:39:10 PM PDT by
(Of course, it must look like an accident...)
To: philz
Scroll down a bit to
Who Is Marla Ruzicka?. She fed anti-American propaganda to the NYT, which gleefully printed it as fact. She was also given to comparing American conservatives to skin-heads and suggesting that terrorists should target us. Behind her "humanitarian" facade, she was a nasty piece of work.
62 posted on
04/17/2005 5:39:11 PM PDT by
(Of course, it must look like an accident...)
To: philz
She was, in fact a humanitarian. Liberal or not, she was an American. God rest her soul.The fact that she was an American civilian probably had a lot to do with her being targeted, philz.
Prayers up for her and her family.
101 posted on
04/17/2005 5:59:35 PM PDT by
Jack Deth
(Knight Errant and Disemboweler of the WFTD Thread)
To: philz
Liberal or not, she was an American.Tim McVeigh was an American. So was Benedict Arnold. The fact one is born an American does not confer dignity nor virtue upon them and their actions.
Terrible thing, that car bomb. But, she knew the carnage she was probably going to encounter. Her alliance with a dirtbag like Benjamin should have been her "sign". Too bad her poor choices led to her death.
139 posted on
04/17/2005 6:32:16 PM PDT by
("It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed."-V.I.Lenin)
To: philz
She had an American drivers license but then, anyone can get one of those nowdays.
147 posted on
04/17/2005 6:39:58 PM PDT by
fish hawk
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